# OpenResty 技术图谱
## basic concepts
- RESTful API & API GateWay
- Microservice
- Domain Specific Language(DSL)
- C10K & C1M
- non-blocking & asynchronous I/O
- event loop
- I/O mutiplexing
- Streaming processing
- coroutine
- Test Driven Development(TDD)

## around tech stack
- Redis
- Kafka
- Docker
- regex

## testing
- TDD & Unit Testing
- Test::Nginx
- curl & ab & wrk

## debugging
- debugging log
- core dump
- flame graph
- on-CPU & off-CPU
- nginx-systemtap-toolkit
- stapxx
- nginx-gdb-utils

## caching
- ngx.shared.DICT
- lua-resty-lrucache
- dog-pile effect
- lua-resty-lock
- lua-resty-shcache
- ngx_srcache

- log
- static file
- load balancer
- proxy
- phase
- tuning for performance
- if is evil

## LuaJIT
- Standard Lua
- JIT(Just-In-Time Compiler)
- NYI (Not Yet Implemented)
- ffi.\* API
- jit.\* Library

## ngx\_lua
- directives
- Nginx API for Lua(ngx.\*,tcpsock.\*,coroutine.\*)
- resty-core
- semaphore
- balancer\_by\_lua
- ssl\_certificate\_by\_lua
- cosocket TCP/UDP
- hot load lua code


  1. Overview of OpenCascade Library
  2. 选中多个<ul>中的第一个<li>方法
  3. kali4.0 安装32位库
  4. oracle10g在rh6上安装缺少libXtst*的包导致不能出OUI
  5. Winform开发框架主界面设计展示
  6. c语言中的fgets函数
  7. iPhone取消软件更新上边的1
  8. Qt之QLabel
  9. Graduate Summer School: Deep Learning, Feature Learning
  10. ZJU-PAT 1065. A+B and C (64bit) (20)
  11. DOS - COPY
  12. Jenkins中集成python,支持参数生成Makefile文件
  13. Hadoop学习笔记-001-CentOS_6.5_64_连接外网设置
  14. 内存数据库之Apache Ingite
  15. How to delete a VM with snapshots
  16. MySQL 大表数据定期归档
  17. 【总结】selenium webdriver 远程连接firefox和IE 环境搭建
  18. Linux内存子系统及常用调优参数
  19. ascii2native 转码 解码
  20. Dynamics 365 可编辑子网格的字段禁用不可编辑


  1. PWA 应用
  2. xshell链接linux出现SSH服务器拒绝了密码 的解决方案
  3. 用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (21) — 结合 reCAPTCHA 验证码实现用户注册与登录
  4. with cats as pets get cataracts and macular degeneration
  5. 读取hive文件并将数据导入hbase
  6. 初识Flink-从WorldCount开始
  7. CSS3 3D旋转下拉菜单--兼容性不太好
  8. 如何通过HTTP API 调取tushare的股票数据
  9. Echart报 [MODULE_MISS]"echarts/config的错
  10. LeetCode Linked List Easy 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List