


There was a young man who you know he wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this guru, right? He told the guru “you know i wanna be on the same level you on”. And the guru said “if you wanna be on the same level I’m on, I’ll meet you tomorrow at the beach.”
So the
young man got there at 4am, he all ready to rock n roll, got on a suit .should
a wore shorts. The old man grabs his hand he says “how
bad do you wanna be successful?” He said “real bad” He said “walk on out into the water”. So he walks out into the
water. Watch this.When he walks out into the water it goes waist de
thinkin’, “I wanna make money, he’s got me out here swimming. I
don’t want to be a life guard, I want to make money.”
He got
the meaning,so he said “come out a little further” he walked out a little
further till it was right around this area.the shoulder area.So this old man
crazy, he makin money but he crazy.
He said “come
out a little further”, He came out a little further and it was right at his mouth.
He’s like “I’m about to get outta here this guy outta his mind”. So
the old man said “i thought you wanted to be successful?” he
said “i do” he said “walk a little further” he came, dropped his head
in, held him down, holdin him down, the man kickin and scratching. hold him
down, he had held him down, Just before he was about to pass out, he raised him
up. He said “I got a question for you,he told the guy.He said:“ when
you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe, then you’ll be
I do not
know how many of you all have asthma in here today, but have you ever had an
asthma attack before, you are short of breathe,(…?) you’re
weezy, and the only thing you’re trying to do is get some air.You do not care about no
basketball game! You don’t care about what’s on TV. You don’t
care about anybody calling you. You don’t care about a party. The
only thing you care about when u trying to breathe is getting some fresh air,
that’s it! When you get to the point where all you wanna like to
be is successful as bad as you would want to breathe, then you will be
successful! I’m here to tell you that the No.1 the most of you say you want
to be successful but you don’t want it bad , you just kind of want it.

don’t want it badder than you would like to party, you don’t
want it as much as you wanna be cool, most of you don’t
want success as much as you want to sleep! (睡太多不是什么好事)
Some of
you love sleep more than you love success. And I’m here to tell you that if
you’re going to be successful you’ve got to be willing to give
up sleep.
You got
to be willing to work of three hours, two hours. If you really want to be
successful somedays you’re going to have to stay up for three days in a row! Because
if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity to be successful. That’s how
bad you have to want it. You got the days wanna???Listen to me, You gotta want
to be successful so bad that you forget to eat.
said once she was on the set, doing her thing. Three days has gone by, she
forgot she didn't eat, cause she was engaged."
I never
forgot when 50 Cent was doing his movie, ??did a little research, 50 cent that
when he wasn’t doing his movie, he was doing his soundtrack. And they
said, “When do you sleep 50!?”
“Sleep?!”, he said, “Sleep?! Sleep is for those people who are broke. I don’t
sleep. I got an opportunity to make a dream a reality.”
Don’t cry
and quits. You’re already in pain, you’re already hurt, get a reward
from it! Don’t go to sleep until you succeed. Listen to me,I’m
here to today to tell you can come here, you can jump up,you can do?? you can
be excited when we give away money.But listen to me you will never be
successful if I have to so much as give you a dime…
You won’t be
successful until you say “I don’t need that money cause I got it in here!”

曾经有一个年轻人,他只是单纯的想成功。(赚钱 噻,那个瓜娃子翻译的)


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