



关联RFC: RFC-7489

Verifying External Destinations

It is possible to specify destinations for the different reports that are outside the authority of the Domain Owner making the request. This allows domains that do not operate mail servers to request reports and have them go someplace that is able to receive and process them. Without checks, this would allow a bad actor to publish a DMARC policy record that requests that reports be sent to a victim address, and then send a large volume of mail that will fail both DKIM and SPF checks to a wide variety of destinations; the victim will in turn be flooded with unwanted reports. Therefore, a verification mechanism is included.




验证机制即在收报告的邮箱所在域中,增加一个TXT记录,其主机名为:    发送域._report._dmarc.,其内容为:  v=DMARC1


lucky.cn._report._dmarc,其内容为   v=DMARC1



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