



cv::Mat align_mean(cv::Mat mean, cv::Rect facebox, float scaling_x=1.0f, float scaling_y=1.0f, float translation_x=0.0f, float translation_y=0.0f)
using cv::Mat;
// Initial estimate x_0: Center the mean face at the [-0.5, 0.5] x [-0.5, 0.5] square (assuming the face-box is that square)
// More precise: Take the mean as it is (assume it is in a space [-0.5, 0.5] x [-0.5, 0.5]), and just place it in the face-box as
// if the box is [-0.5, 0.5] x [-0.5, 0.5]. (i.e. the mean coordinates get upscaled)
Mat aligned_mean = mean.clone();
Mat aligned_mean_x = aligned_mean.colRange(, aligned_mean.cols / );
Mat aligned_mean_y = aligned_mean.colRange(aligned_mean.cols / , aligned_mean.cols);
aligned_mean_x = (aligned_mean_x*scaling_x + 0.5f + translation_x) * facebox.width + facebox.x;
aligned_mean_y = (aligned_mean_y*scaling_y + 0.3f + translation_y) * facebox.height + facebox.y;
return aligned_mean;





1. OpenCV从Mat中提取某些行或列


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