if OBJECT_ID('groups') is not null
drop table groups create table groups
groupid varchar(10),
val int null
insert into groups values('a','');
insert into groups values('a','');
insert into groups values('a','');
insert into groups values('b','');
insert into groups values('b','');
insert into groups values('b',''); --临时表
if OBJECT_ID('#tmp') is not null
drop table #tmp
create table #tmp
groupid varchar(10),
val int null
insert into #tmp select * from groups where groupid='b'
select * from #tmp drop table #tmp
select * into #tmp from groups where groupid ='b'
select * from #tmp
drop table #tmp
go --表变量
declare @t table(id varchar(10),val int)
insert into @t select * from groups where groupid='b'
select * from @t; --CTE
with tb(id,value) as --alias column name
select * from groups where groupid='b'
select * from tb --游标
if OBJECT_ID('#tmp') is not null
drop table #tmp
create table #tmp
groupid varchar(10),
val int null
declare @id varchar(10), @val int
declare c cursor fast_forward for select * from groups where groupid='b'
open c
fetch next from c into @id,@val
while @@FETCH_STATUS =0
insert into #tmp values(@id,@val)
fetch next from c into @id,@val
close c
deallocate c
select * from #tmp




  1. hihoCoder#1014
  2. IIS7.5 webapi 不支持 Delete、Put 解决方法
  3. Atitit.在线充值功能的设计
  4. Thread 同步线程(打印机同步)
  5. LR录制https协议报证书错误,导航已阻止
  6. AOJ 740 求和
  7. inline-block 和 float 的区别
  8. 递归获取字符串内的所有图片src地址
  9. [CentOS]CentOS/RedHat/Fedora的Proxy设定(yum,wget,,rpm)
  10. NRPE: Unable to read output 问题处理总结
  11. "Storage Virtualization" VS "Software-Defined Storage"
  12. jquery插件autocomplete
  13. TableView cell自适应高度-----xib
  14. SSH网上商城---需求分析+表关系分析
  15. 玩转PHP(二)--PHP强大的时间函数:date()
  16. Map的isEmpty()与==null的区别
  17. 【BZOJ 2721】 2721: [Violet 5]樱花 (筛)
  18. 2008技术内幕:T-SQL语言基础 单表查询摘记
  19. 阿里云服务器ECS按ctrl+alt+delete无法登录
  20. 20155207 实验四 《Android程序设计》实验报告


  1. hibernate的hql查询语句总结
  2. [转]@PathVariable和@RequestParam的区别
  3. Android API 指南
  4. 如何使Android应用支持多种屏幕分辨率
  5. CentOS 7 安装开发者环境
  6. 【Unity】6.6 Random类
  7. HAProxy压测及参数调优
  8. Mysql数据库If语句的使用
  9. [AWS vs Azure] 云计算里AWS和Azure的探究(1)
  10. u3d中的坐标系