
The main class required to set up an Ace instance in the browser.



    Creates a new EditSession, and returns the associated Document.

    创建一个新的 EditSession, 并返回相关联的Document


    1. text (Document | string)

      必须,如果text 是 Document, 则它将 EditSession与它关联起来。否则, 使用初始的text创建一个新的Document。

    2. mode  (TextMode)


    Embeds the Ace editor into the DOM, at the element provided by el.



     1. el (String | DOMElement)

      必须。元素id或者 一个 DOM 元素本身。


  require(String moduleName)

    Provides access to require in packed noconflict mode

    提供打包后的无冲突的mode 的引用


     moduleName (string)



Defines the floating pointer in the document. Whenever text is inserted or deleted before the cursor, the position of the cursor is updated.



  Creates a new Anchor and associates it with a document.

  创建一个新的 Anchor,并将它与文档关联起来。


    1. doc (Document)


    2. row (Number)


    3. column (Number)



  • Anchor.on("change", function(Object e))

    Fires whenever the anchor position changes. Both of these objects have a row and column property corresponding to the position. Events that can trigger this function include setPosition()

    每当anchor的位置发生变化是触发。 这两个对象都具有与位置对应的row和column的属性。可以触发此函数的事件包括 setPosition()


       1.  e  (object)


         old:  描述原来 Anchor位置的对象。

         value: 描述新 Anchor位置的对象。



    • detach()

    When called, the 'change' event listener is removed.

    当被调用时, ‘change’事件监听器被删除。

    •   getDocument()  ----->   Document

    Returns the current document.


  • getPosition()   ----->  Object

    Returns an object identifying the row and column position of the current anchor.

    返回一个对象,该对象标识当前 anchor的 row 和column的位置。

  • onChange()   Undocumented  

    Sets the anchor position to the specified row and column. If noClip is true, the position is not clipped.

    将anchor的位置设置为指定的 row 和 column。 如果 noClip 为 true, 则不剪断位置,


      1. row (Number)

        必须。将anchor移动到 row index

      2. column (Number)

        必须。将anchor 移动到 column index

      3. noCLip (Boolean)



Tokenizes the current Document in the background, and caches the tokenized rows for future use.

在后台标记当前 Document, 并缓存当前标记的 rows以供将来使用。

If a certain row is changed, everything below that row is re-tokenized.



  Creates a new BackgroundTokenizer object.

  创建一个新的 BackgroundTokenizer 对象


    1.  tokenizer   (Tokenizer)

      必须。使用的 tokenizer

    2. editor   (Editor)



  • BackgroundTokenizer.on("update", function(Object e))

    Fires whenever the background tokeniziers between a range of rows are going to be updated.



      1.  e (Object)

        必须。一个包含两个属性的对象, first 和 last, 指示正在更新的区域的行。


    Emits the 'update' event. firstRow and lastRow are used to define the boundaries of the region to be updated.

    触发 update事件。 firstRow 和 lastRow 用于定义要更新的区域的边界。


      1. firstRow  (Number)

        必须。 起始行区域。

      2. lastRow   (Number)

        必须。 结束行区域。

    Returns the state of tokenization at the end of a row.



      1. row (NUmber)


    Gives list of tokens of the row. (tokens are cached)

    给出行的tokens列表 (tokens被缓存)


      1. row (Number)


    Sets a new document to associate with this object.



      1. doc (Document)


    Sets a new tokenizer for this object.



      1. tokenizer  (Tokenizer)


    Starts tokenizing at the row indicated.



      1. startRow (Number)


  • stop()

    Stops tokenizing.

    停止 标记


Contains the text of the document. Document can be attached to several EditSessions.

包含文本的文档。Document可以附加到多个 EditSessin中。

At its core, Documents are just an array of strings, with each row in the document matching up to the array index.



  Creates a new Document. If text is included, the Document contains those strings; otherwise, it's empty.




    1. text (String | Array)



  • Document.on("change", function(Object e))

    Fires whenever the document changes.


    Several methods trigger different "change" events. Below is a list of each action type, followed by each property that's also available:

     几种方法触发不同的 change 事件。 下面是每个动作类型的列表,后面还有每个可用的属性: 

    • "insertLines" (emitted by Document.insertLines())          通过 Document.insertLines()  触发
    • range: the Range of the change within the document             文档Range更改。
    • lines: the lines in the document that are changing                     文档中行正在改变
    • "insertText" (emitted by Document.insertNewLine())         通过 Document.insertNewLine() 触发
    • range: the Range of the change within the document
    • text: the text that's being added                                              正在添加文本
    • "removeLines" (emitted by Document.insertLines())            通过 Document.insertLines()触发
    • range: the Range of the change within the document
    • lines: the lines in the document that were removed                    文档中行移除
    • nl: the new line character (as defined by Document.getNewLineCharacter())                                新行字符 (通过 Document.getNewLineCharater() 定义)
    • "removeText" (emitted by Document.removeInLine() and Document.removeNewLine())
    • range: the Range of the change within the document
    • text: the text that's being removed


      1. e  (Object)

        必须。包含至少一个名为 action 的属性。 action 指示触发更改的操作。每个action也有一组额外的属性。


    Applies all the changes previously accumulated. These can be either 'includeText''insertLines''removeText', and 'removeLines'.

    应用以前积累的所有更改。这些可以是 includeText,....


      1. deltas  (Object)


    Creates a new Anchor to define a floating point in the document.

    创建一个新的 Anchor 来定义文档中的浮点。


      1.  row  (Number)


      2. column (Number)


  • getAllLines()

    Returns all lines in the document as string array.  Warning: The caller should not modify this array!

    将文档中的所有行作为字符串数组返回。  注意: 调用方不应该修改这个数组。


  • getLength()

    Returns the number of rows in the document.


    Returns a verbatim copy of the given line as it is in the document


    Returns an array of strings of the rows between firstRow and lastRow. This function is inclusive of lastRow.

    返回firstRow 和 lastRow 之间行的字符串数组。这个函数包含 lastRow。

    Returns the newline character that's being used, depending on the value of newLineMode.


    Returns the type of newlines being used; either windowsunix, or auto

    返回正在使用的换行类型。 可以是 windows, unix, 或者 auto。

  • getTextRange(Range range)

    Given a range within the document, this function returns all the text within that range as a single string.


  • getValue()

    Returns all the lines in the document as a single string, split by the new line character.


    Converts an index position in a document to a {row, column} object.

    将文档中索引位置替换成 {row, column}对象。

    Index refers to the "absolute position" of a character in the document. For example:


      var x = 0; // 10 characters, plus one for newline
      var y = -1;

    Here, y is an index 15: 11 characters for the first row, and 5 characters until y in the second.

    这里,y 是第一行的索引15:11字符, 第二行的5个字符直到 y。

    Inserts a block of text and the indicated position.

    在指示的位置插入 text 块

    Inserts text into the position at the current row. This method also triggers the 'change' event.

    Inserts the elements in lines into the document, starting at the row index given by row. This method also triggers the 'change' event.

    Inserts a new line into the document at the current row's position. This method also triggers the 'change' event.

    Returns true if text is a newline character (either \r\n\r, or \n).

    Converts the {row, column} position in a document to the character's index.

    Removes the range from the document.

    Removes the specified columns from the row. This method also triggers the 'change' event.

    Removes a range of full lines. This method also triggers the 'change' event.

    Removes the new line between row and the row immediately following it. This method also triggers the 'change' event.

    Replaces a range in the document with the new text.

    Reverts any changes previously applied. These can be either 'includeText''insertLines''removeText', and 'removeLines'.

    还原先前应用的任何更改。这些更改可以是  includeText .....

  • setNewLineMode(String newLineMode)

    Sets the new line mode.

    Replaces all the lines in the current Document with the value of text.

    将当前Document中所有行替换为 text的值


Stores all the data about Editor state providing easy way to change editors state.


EditSession can be attached to only one Document. Same Document can be attached to several EditSessions.

EditSession只能附加到一个Document。相同的Document可以附加到多个 EditSessin中。


    Sets up a new EditSession and associates it with the given Document and TextMode.



  • EditSession.on("change", function(Object e))

    Emitted when the document changes.


  • EditSession.on("changeAnnotation", function())

    Emitted when an annotation changes, like through EditSession.setAnnotations().

    当注释改变时触发,比如通过 EditSession.setAnnotations()

  • EditSession.on("changeBackMarker", function())

    Emitted when a back marker changes.


  • EditSession.on("changeBreakpoint", function())

    Emitted when the gutter changes, either by setting or removing breakpoints, or when the gutter decorations change.


  • EditSession.on("changeFold", function())

    Emitted when a code fold is added or removed.


  • EditSession.on("changeFrontMarker", function())

    Emitted when a front marker changes.

    当  前标记改变时触发。

  • EditSession.on("changeMode", function())

    Emitted when the current mode changes.

    当 当前mode改变时触发。

  • EditSession.on("changeOverwrite", function())

    Emitted when the ability to overwrite text changes, via EditSession.setOverwrite().

    当通过 EditSession.setOverWrite() 更改覆盖文本的能力时触发。

  • EditSession.on("changeScrollLeft", function(Number scrollLeft))

    Emitted when the scroll left changes.


  • EditSession.on("changeScrollTop", function(Number scrollTop))

    Emitted when the scroll top changes.

  • EditSession.on("changeTabSize", function())

    Emitted when the tab size changes, via EditSession.setTabSize().

    通过 EditSession.setTabSize() 改变 tab 大小时触发。

  • EditSession.on("changeWrapLimit", function())

    Emitted when the wrapping limit changes.


  • EditSession.on("changeWrapMode", function())

    Emitted when the wrap mode changes.


  • EditSession.on("tokenizerUpdate", function(Object e))

    Emitted when a background tokenizer asynchronously processes new rows.



    Adds a dynamic marker to the session.


    Adds className to the row, to be used for CSS stylings and whatnot.

    将 className 添加到 row中,用于CSS样式和其他。

    Adds a new marker to the given Range. If inFront is true, a front marker is defined, and the 'changeFrontMarker' event fires; otherwise, the 'changeBackMarker' event fires.

    在给定的Range中添加新的标记。 如果 inFront为true,则定义一个前端 标记, 并且触发 changeFrontMarker事件,否则,触发changeBackMarker事件。

  • clearAnnotations()

    Clears all the annotations for this session. This function also triggers the 'changeAnnotation' event.

    清除此会话的所有注释。该函数会触发 changeAnnotation事件。

    Removes a breakpoint on the row number given by rows. This function also emits the 'changeBreakpoint' event.

    移除给定rows上所有的断点。该函数会触发 changeBreakpoint事件。

  • clearBreakpoints()

    Removes all breakpoints on the rows. This function also emites the 'changeBreakpoint' event.

    For the given document row and column, returns the screen column.


    Converts document coordinates to screen coordinates. This takes into account code folding, word wrap, tab size, and any other visual modifications.


    For the given document row and column, returns the screen row.


    Duplicates all the text between firstRow and lastRow.

    复制 firstRow 和 lastRow之间的所有文本。

    Returns the annotations for the EditSession.

    返回 EditSession的注释。

    Gets the range of a word, including its right whitespace.


    Returns an array of numbers, indicating which rows have breakpoints.


    Returns the Document associated with this session.


  • getDocumentLastRowColumn(Number docRow, Number docColumn)

    For the given document row and column, this returns the column position of the last screen row.


  • getDocumentLastRowColumnPosition(Number docRow, Number docColumn)

    For the given document row and column, this returns the document position of the last row.


    Returns the number of rows in the document.


    Returns a verbatim copy of the given line as it is in the document

    Returns an array of strings of the rows between firstRow and lastRow. This function is inclusive of lastRow.

    Returns an array containing the IDs of all the markers, either front or back.

    返回一个包含所有标记的 IDs 的数组,无论是前面还是后面。 如果 inFront 为true, 则指示只需要前标记,false指示返回 后 标记。

    Returns the current text mode.

    Returns the current new line mode.

  • getOverwrite()

    Returns true if overwrites are enabled; false otherwise.

    如果启用重写,则返回 true,否则返回false。

    Returns number of screenrows in a wrapped line.

    返回已包装行中的屏幕的行数。 row为要检查的行数。

    For the given row, this returns the split data.


    Returns the position (on screen) for the last character in the provided screen row.


    Returns the length of the screen.


    The distance to the next tab stop at the specified screen column.


    Returns the width of the screen.

    Returns the value of the distance between the left of the editor and the leftmost part of the visible content.


    Returns the value of the distance between the top of the editor and the topmost part of the visible content.

  • getSelection()

    Returns selection object.

    Returns the state of tokenization at the end of a row.


  • getTabSize()

    Returns the current tab size.

  • getTabString()

    Returns the current value for tabs. If the user is using soft tabs, this will be a series of spaces (defined by getTabSize()); otherwise it's simply '\t'.

    Given a range within the document, this function returns all the text within that range as a single string.


    Returns an object indicating the token at the current row. The object has two properties: index and start.

    返回指示当前行中的token的对象。对象具有两个属性: index 和 start。

    Starts tokenizing at the row indicated. Returns a list of objects of the tokenized rows.


  • getUndoManager()

    Returns the current undo manager.


    Returns true if soft tabs are being used, false otherwise.

    如果soft tab 正在使用返回true, 否则返回false

  • getUseWorker()

    Returns true if workers are being used.

    如果正在使用workers, 返回true。

    Returns true if wrap mode is being used; false otherwise.

    Returns the current Document as a string.

    Given a starting row and column, this method returns the Range of the first word boundary it finds.


    Returns the value of wrap limit.

    返回 wrap限制值。

    Returns an object that defines the minimum and maximum of the wrap limit; it looks something like this: { min: wrapLimitRange_min, max: wrapLimitRange_max }


  • highlight()   Undocumented
  • highlightLines()    Undocumented

    Indents all the rows, from startRow to endRow (inclusive), by prefixing each row with the token in indentString.  If indentString contains the '\t' character, it's replaced by whatever is defined by getTabString()

    将从startRow到 endRow之间的所有行缩进,通过在indentString中用token预先装订每行。如果缩进字符串包含 '\t' 字符, 则有 getTabString()定的任何内容替换它。

    Inserts a block of text and the indicated position.

    Returns true if the character at the position is a soft tab.

    Shifts all the lines in the document down one, starting from firstRow and ending at lastRow.

    Shifts all the lines in the document up one, starting from firstRow and ending at lastRow.

    Moves a range of text from the given range to the given position. toPosition is an object that looks like this:

     { row: newRowLocation, column: newColumnLocation }
  • onChange()  Undocumented
  • onChangeFold()  Undocumented

    Reloads all the tokens on the current session. This function calls BackgroundTokenizer.start () to all the rows; it also emits the 'tokenizerUpdate' event.

  • outdentRows(Range range)

    Outdents all the rows defined by the start and end properties of range.

  • redo()Undocumented

    Re-implements a previously undone change to your document.

    Removes the range from the document.

    Removes className from the row.

  • removeMarker(Number markerId)

    Removes the marker with the specified ID. If this marker was in front, the 'changeFrontMarker' event is emitted. If the marker was in the back, the 'changeBackMarker' event is emitted.

    Replaces a range in the document with the new text.

  • reset()Undocumented
  • resetCaches()Undocumented
  • screenToDocumentColumn()  Undocumented

    Converts characters coordinates on the screen to characters coordinates within the document. This takes into account code folding, word wrap, tab size, and any other visual modifications.

  • screenToDocumentRow()  Undocumented
  • setAnnotations(Array annotations)

    Sets annotations for the EditSession. This functions emits the 'changeAnnotation' event.

    Sets a breakpoint on the row number given by rows. This function also emites the 'changeBreakpoint'event.

  • setBreakpoints(Array rows)

    Sets a breakpoint on every row number given by rows. This function also emites the 'changeBreakpoint' event.

    Sets the EditSession to point to a new Document. If a BackgroundTokenizer exists, it also points to doc.

  • setMode()  Undocumented
  • setNewLineMode(String newLineMode)

    Sets the new line mode.

    Pass in true to enable overwrites in your session, or false to disable.

  • setScrollLeft(Object scrollLeft)

    Sets the value of the distance between the left of the editor and the leftmost part of the visible content.

  • setScrollTop(Number scrollTop)

    This function sets the scroll top value. It also emits the 'changeScrollTop' event.

    Set the number of spaces that define a soft tab; for example, passing in 4 transforms the soft tabs to be equivalent to four spaces. This function also emits the changeTabSize event.

    Sets the undo manager.

    Enables or disables highlighting of the range where an undo occured.

  • setUseSoftTabs(Boolean useSoftTabs)

    Pass true to enable the use of soft tabs. Soft tabs means you're using spaces instead of the tab character ('\t').

    Identifies if you want to use a worker for the EditSession.

  • setUseWrapMode(Boolean useWrapMode)

    Sets whether or not line wrapping is enabled. If useWrapMode is different than the current value, the 'changeWrapMode' event is emitted.

    Sets the session text.

    Sets the boundaries of wrap. Either value can be null to have an unconstrained wrap, or, they can be the same number to pin the limit. If the wrap limits for min or max are different, this method also emits the 'changeWrapMode' event.

  • toggleOverwrite()

    Sets the value of overwrite to the opposite of whatever it currently is.

    Returns the current Document as a string.

  • undo()   Undocumented

  Reverts previous changes to your document.


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