This example demonstrates how to brighten or darken an RGB buffered image by scaling the red, green, and blue values in the image.

    // To create a buffered image, see e666 创建缓冲图像

    // Brighten the image by 30%
float scaleFactor = 1.3f;
RescaleOp op = new RescaleOp(scaleFactor, 0, null);
bufferedImage = op.filter(bufferedImage, null); // Darken the image by 10%
scaleFactor = .9f;
op = new RescaleOp(scaleFactor, 0, null);
bufferedImage = op.filter(bufferedImage, null);

If the image is not an RGB image, the following code converts a non-RGB image to an RGB buffered image:

    // Get non-RGB image
Image image = new ImageIcon("image.gif").getImage(); // Create an RGB buffered image
BufferedImage bimage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); // Copy non-RGB image to the RGB buffered image
Graphics2D g = bimage.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
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