运行yolov5 train.py报错:AssertionError: Image Not Found ../data/images/xxx.png





Optimizer groups: 62 .bias, 62 conv.weight, 59 other
train: Scanning 'data/train.cache' images and labels... 2590 found, 0 missing, 335 empty, 0 corrupted: 100%|##########| 2590/2590 [00:00<?, ?it/s]



    在国内搜索引擎上似乎没有找到相关解决方案,在谷歌后在yolov5 github的issues里找到了可能的解决方案,链接在本文底部。其中有一位评论

I've opened PR #2042 to fix this issue. This runs an additional check on the actual image format using PIL img.format. For this check to actually run you'd need to delete your existing *.cache files in your dataset directories, which will trigger a new caching.

Verified update works correctly. I added a GIF to COCO128 and renamed it with a .jpg extension. The new check caught the file, removed it from the training images, and then trains correctly.






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