
  1. 值类型的嵌入式字段,该类型拥有值类型的方法集,没有值指针类型的方法集

  2. 指针类型的嵌入式字段,该类型拥有值指针类型的方法集,没有值类型的方法集,并且,该类型的指针类型也有值指针类型的方法集


package main

import "fmt"

type Boss struct{}
func (b *Boss) AssignWork() {
fmt.Println("Boss assigned work")
} type Manager struct{}
func (m *Manager) PreparePowerPoint() {
fmt.Println("PowerPoint prepared")
} type BossManager struct {
Boss // 嵌入式字段
Manager // 嵌入式字段
type BossManagerUsingPointers struct {
*Boss // 指针类型的嵌入式字段
*Manager // 指针类型的嵌入式字段
*/ // Define an interface that requires both methods.
type PromotionMaterial interface {
} func promote(pm PromotionMaterial) {
fmt.Println("Promoted a person with promise.")
} func main() {
bm := BossManager{} // Both methods (which use pointer receivers) have been promoted to BossManager.
bm.AssignWork() // "Boss assigned work"
bm.PreparePowerPoint() // "PowerPoint prepared" // However, the method set of BossManager does not include either method because:
// 1) {Boss, Manager} are embedded as value types, not pointer types.
// 2) This makes it so that only the pointer type *BossManager includes both methods
// in its method set, thus making it implement interface PromotionMaterial. // promote(bm) // Would fail with: cannot use bm (type BossManager) as type PromotionMaterial in argument to promote:
// BossManager does not implement PromotionMaterial (AssignWork method has pointer receiver)
// This would work if {Boss, Manager} were embedded as pointer types. promote(&bm) // Works // Lets use the struct with the embedded pointer types:
bm2 := BossManagerUsingPointers{}
bm2.AssignWork() // "Boss assigned work"
bm2.PreparePowerPoint() // "PowerPoint prepared"
promote(bm2) // Works
promote(&bm2) // Also works, since both BossManagerUsingPointers (value type) and *BossManagerUsingPointers (pointer type)
// method sets include both methods.




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