AX2012 自带的数据库查询功能比较慢(特别是查询删除的情况),有些业务可能需要频繁查询删除人和删除时间等,这种情况下还是用代码来查询比较快。


static void SysDataBaseLog_SalesTableDel(Args _args)
SysDataBaseLog sysDataBaseLog;
container tableRecord, tableRecordSel;
container recordInstance;
int idx = 0;
str fieldName,fieldValue_new,fieldValue_old;
SalesId salesId, salesIdDel;
utcDateTime beginDT, endDT;
TableId tableId;
str delby;
utcDateTime delDateTime;
; // return; salesIdDel = "XXXXXXXX"; // 被删除的SalesId
beginDT = 2021-12-20T00:00:00; // 开始时间, 时间范围越精确,查询所需时间越少
endDT = 2021-12-24T00:00:00; // 结束时间
tableId = tableName2id("SalesTable"); // 1. 先根据【SalesId】找出被删的记录
while select sysDataBaseLog
where sysDataBaseLog.table == tableId // Table的RecordId, 自行替换
&& sysDataBaseLog.LogType == DatabaseLogType::Delete // 要查询的数据库日志的类型, 自行替换
&& sysDataBaseLog.createdDateTime > beginDT // 开始时间
&& sysDataBaseLog.createdDateTime < endDT // 结束时间
tableRecord = sysDataBaseLog.Data;
if(tableRecordSel != conNull())
} for(idx = 1; idx <= conLen(tableRecord); idx++)
recordInstance = conpeek(tableRecord, idx); fieldName = conpeek(recordInstance, 1); // container下记录的数据为为【fieldNmae】, 【字段更改前的数据】,【更改后的数据】... if(fieldName == "SalesId")
salesId = conpeek(recordInstance, 2); if(salesId == salesIdDel)
tableRecordSel = tableRecord;
delby = sysDataBaseLog.createdBy;
delDateTime = DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(sysDataBaseLog.createdDateTime, DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone());
{ break;
} // 2. 循环读出记录字段
info(strFmt("删除日期和时间: %1", delDateTime));
info(strFmt("删除人: %1", delby));
for(idx = 1; idx <= conLen(tableRecordSel); idx++)
recordInstance = conpeek(tableRecordSel, idx); fieldName = conpeek(recordInstance, 1);
if(fieldName == "SalesId")
salesId = conpeek(recordInstance, 2);
info(strFmt("销售订单号:%1", salesId));
else if(fieldName == "createdBy")
info(strFmt("创建人: %1", conpeek(recordInstance, 2)));
else if(fieldName == "CreatedDateTime")
info(strFmt("创建日期和时间: %1", conpeek(recordInstance, 2)));


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