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'A' : Absent,缺勤

'L' : Late,迟到

'P' : Present,到场



输入: "PPALLP"

输出: True

输入: "PPALLL"

输出: False

You are given a string representing an attendance record for a student. The record only contains the following three characters:

'A' : Absent.

'L' : Late.

'P' : Present.

A student could be rewarded if his attendance record doesn't contain more than one 'A' (absent) or more than two continuous 'L' (late).

You need to return whether the student could be rewarded according to his attendance record.

Input: "PPALLP"

Output: True

Input: "PPALLL"

Output: False


该文章的最新版本已迁移至个人博客【比特飞】,单击链接 https://www.byteflying.com/archives/3953 访问。

public class Program {

    public static void Main(string[] args) {
var s = "PPALLP"; var res = CheckRecord(s);
Console.WriteLine(res); s = "AAAA"; res = CheckRecord2(s);
Console.WriteLine(res); Console.ReadKey();
} private static bool CheckRecord(string s) {
var boolA = (s.Length - s.Replace("A", "").Length) <= 1;
var boolL = (s.Length == s.Replace("LLL", "").Length);
return boolA && boolL;
} private static bool CheckRecord2(string s) {
var countA = 0;
var countL = 0;
foreach(var c in s) {
if(c == 'A') ++countA;
if(c == 'L') ++countL;
else countL = 0;
if(countA > 1 || countL > 2) return false;
return true;
} }


该文章的最新版本已迁移至个人博客【比特飞】,单击链接 https://www.byteflying.com/archives/3953 访问。



因为使用了部分运行库,不能简单的认为 CheckRecord 的时间复杂度为  。以上2种算法的时间复杂度均为  。


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