Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results.


From Willie Nelson.

What we think, we become.


Surprisingly, today's two quotes both can be categorized into subjective idealism, that, in a nutshell, tell us that our attitudes and our thoughts can play very important, even dominating role in our life and career.

To some extent, I agree with such thoughts, for attitudes can greatly affect behaviours and thus affect the process which we shape our own destiny.

In this context, it is right to say our thoughts can make our fates.

But there are numerous small probabilities existing in our life which can change the results, I mean, sometimes we can't decide the results even when we have contributed a lot.

Unfair fate? Maybe. We should accept the reality, but we shouldn't surrender to it.

As long as we can do our best to shape our life, the effects of those small probabilities will be reduced to the minimum extent.

So, if the result is not satisfying, do not give up, just make a bit more efforts and hold a bit more positive attitude, the problems can be solved and things would be better, at least, not bad.


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