uvm_root 是uvm的顶层实例扮演了一个top-level and phase controller 的作用,对于component来说。该类不需要用户实例化,他是一个自动实例化了的类,用户直接通过uvm_top调用。任何component,只要没有指定其parent,那么他将作为top的一个child。top管理所有component的phase;

1. The UVM automatically creates a single instance of uvm_root that users can access via the global (uvm_pkg-scope) variable, uvm_top.
2. uvm_top实例的关键作用:
     1. Implicit top-level(隐式的顶层)    The uvm_top serves as an implicit top-level component.  Any component whose parent is specified as NULL becomes a child of uvm_top.  Thus, all UVM components in simulation are descendants of uvm_top.所有组建的parent被指定为NULL的,就会成为uvm_top的child,uvm_top是uvm组建树的顶层。

    2. Phase control    uvm_top manages the phasing for all components.
    3. Search    Use uvm_top to search for components based on their hierarchical name.  See find and find_all.(使用uvm_top基于层次名搜索组件)
    4. Report configuration    Use uvm_top to globally configure report verbosity, log files, and actions.  For example, uvm_top.set_report_verbosity_level_hier(UVM_FULL) would set full verbosity for all components in simulation.
   5.  Global reporter    Because uvm_top is globally accessible (in uvm_pkg scope), UVM’s reporting mechanism is accessible from anywhere outside uvm_component, such as in modules and sequences.  See uvm_report_error, uvm_report_warning, and other global methods.

  uvm_component top_levels[$];//各个top注册在这 i.e test,It includes the uvm_test_top component that is created by run_test as well as any other top level components that have been instantiated anywhere in the hierarchy.
  bit  enable_print_topology = 0;//如果被设置,在end_of_elaboration phase结束的时候打印拓扑结构
  bit  finish_on_completion = 1;//If set, then run_test will call $finish after all phases are executed.
  time phase_timeout = `UVM_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
  static local uvm_root m_inst;
  bit m_phase_all_done;//所有阶段执行完毕

2. 主要的API方法:
      1. virtual task run_test (     string      test_name      =      ""     )://解析命令行的"+UVM_TESTNAME=",从工厂中取出uvm_test_top并构造一个实例,调用相应的实例。
          1. Phases all components through all registered phases
          2.  If the optional test_name argument is provided, or if a command-line plusarg, +UVM_TESTNAME=TEST_NAME, is found, then the specified component is created just prior to phasing.
     2. find/find_all:
          1. function void uvm_root::find_all(string comp_match, ref uvm_component comps[$],
                                 input uvm_component comp=null); //查找整个uvm_top,调用m_find_all_recurse实现
          2.function uvm_component uvm_root::find (string comp_match);//调用uvm_root::find_all实现
3. uvm_root私有函数:

      1. function uvm_root::new();//设置reporter, command_processor,调用report_header
             1. 调用super.new("__top__",null)将uvm_root设置成树的顶层
             2. 设置reporter,拿到command_processor,调用report_header
             3. 调用m_check_verbosity通过命令行获取并设置verbosity
      2. function uvm_root uvm_root::get();
          1. 构成uvm_root的单态类
          2. 调用了uvm_domain::get_common_domain();m_inst.m_domain = uvm_domain::get_uvm_domain()即生成了两个domain 一个common 一个uvm_domain
      3. task uvm_root::run_phase (uvm_phase phase);//该函数主要检查$time是否为0,如果不为0就报告错误,因为run必须从0时刻开始
      4. function void uvm_root::m_do_dump_args();//如果命令行有+UVM_DUMP_CMDLINE_ARGS,就把命令行的所有参数输出
      5. function void uvm_root::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);//调用一些内建函数完成对uvm仿真环境的配置: 
            m_do_dump_args();    //如果命令行有+UVM_DUMP_CMDLINE_ARGS,就把命令行的所有参数输出


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