package ChainOfResponsibility

import (

type ChainLogger interface {

type FirstLogger struct {
	NextChain ChainLogger

func (f *FirstLogger) Next(s string) {
	fmt.Printf("First logger: %s\n", s)

	if f.NextChain != nil {

type SecondLogger struct {
	NextChain ChainLogger

func (se *SecondLogger) Next(s string) {
	if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(s), "hello") {
		fmt.Printf("Second logger: %s\n", s)

		if se.NextChain != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Finishing in second logging\n\n")

type WriterLogger struct {
	NextChain ChainLogger
	Writer    io.Writer

func (w *WriterLogger) Next(s string) {
	if w.Writer != nil {
		w.Writer.Write([]byte("WriterLogger: " + s))
	if w.NextChain != nil {


package ChainOfResponsibility

import (

type myTestWriter struct {
	receivedMessage *string

func (m *myTestWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	if m.receivedMessage == nil {
		m.receivedMessage = new(string)
	tempMessage := fmt.Sprintf("%p%s", m.receivedMessage, p)
	m.receivedMessage = &tempMessage
	return len(p), nil

func (m *myTestWriter) Next(s string) {

func TestCreateDefaultChain(t *testing.T) {
	myWriter := myTestWriter{}

	writerLogger := WriterLogger{Writer: &myWriter}
	second := SecondLogger{NextChain: &writerLogger}
	chain := FirstLogger{NextChain: &second}

	t.Run("3 loggers, 2 of them writes to console, second only if it founds"+
		"the world 'hello', third writes to some variable if second found 'hello'",
		func(t *testing.T) {
			chain.Next("message that breaks the chain\n")

			if myWriter.receivedMessage != nil {
				t.Error("Last link should not receive any message")

			if *myWriter.receivedMessage == "" ||
				!strings.Contains(*myWriter.receivedMessage, "Hello") {
				t.Fatal("Last link did not received expected message")




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