Keras Documentation

You have just found Keras.

Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlowCNTK, orTheano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation. Being able to go from idea to result with the least possible delay is key to doing good research.

Use Keras if you need a deep learning library that:

  • Allows for easy and fast prototyping (through user friendliness, modularity, and extensibility).
  • Supports both convolutional networks and recurrent networks, as well as combinations of the two.
  • Runs seamlessly on CPU and GPU.


  1. ASP.NET vNext总结:EntityFramework7
  2. C++静态库与动态库
  3. MM常用表
  4. C#(Visual Studio) AssemblyInfo
  5. Java之简单的聊天工具
  6. Web Service工作原理
  7. viewstate cookie和session原理回顾
  8. jdk8 JAVA_OPTS
  9. XCode5添加新建类模板(Cocos2dx Template Class for Scene or Layer)
  10. ERP退货系统管理(四十五)
  11. 简单理解JVM与static{}
  12. JS模块化编程(一)
  13. DNS正反向区域解析(二)
  14. Use JAWS 14 in a VM
  15. 【转】关于编译链接——gcc/g++
  16. WebForm中使用MVC
  17. LVS跨网段DR模式并使用ldirectord实现RS高可用性
  18. JavaScript 核心
  19. Redis2.8配置文件详解(转)
  20. pmd 使用笔记


  1. find_in_set()和in()比较
  2. 笔试算法题(40):后缀数组 & 后缀树(Suffix Array & Suffix Tree)
  3. LAMP 服务器环境
  4. Python数据类型方法
  5. Bash的循环结构(for和while)
  6. MySQL-----操作练习
  7. noip模拟赛 写代码
  8. poj3440--Coin Toss(几何上的概率)
  9. poj1655(dfs,树形dp,树的重心)(点分治基础)
  10. 前端开发:JavaScript---DOM & BOM