Updated to AngularFire2 v5.0.

One important change is that you need to call .snapshotChanges() or .valueChanges() to get data as Observable back.

    return this.db.list<Skill>(`skills/${this.uid}`)

The problem is when there is no data, .snapshotChanges() never emit a value.

Luckly it is Observable, we can solve the problem by using .startWith():

  getSkills(): Observable<Skill[]> {
return this.db.list<Skill>(`skills/${this.uid}`)
.map((actions) =>
actions.map((action) => ({$key: action.key, ...action.payload.val()}))

If there is no data coming back from firebase, we still emit a empty array. This is much friendly if you work with Ngrx. Because if you depends on .snapshotChange() to emit a value back to switch map to next action, it might just block there, and your next action will never get dispatched.


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