#include <functional>
#include <iostream> int main()
using namespace std; int i = 3;
int j = 5; // The following lambda expression captures i by value and
// j by reference.
function<int (void)> f = [i, &j] { return i + j; }; // Change the values of i and j.
i = 22;
j = 44; // Call f and print its result.
cout << f() << endl;



  • 把lambda表达式当作参数传送

#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
// Create a list of integers with a few initial elements.
list<int> numbers;
numbers.push_back(); // Use the find_if function and a lambda expression to find the
// first even number in the list.
const list<int>::const_iterator result =
find_if(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(),[](int n) { return (n % ) == ; });//查找第一个偶数 // Print the result.
if (result != numbers.end())
cout << "The first even number in the list is " << *result << "." << endl;
} else
cout << "The list contains no even numbers." << endl;
  • lambda表达式嵌套使用

#include <iostream>

int main()
using namespace std; // The following lambda expression contains a nested lambda
// expression.
int timestwoplusthree = [](int x) { return [](int y) { return y * ; }(x) + ; }(); // Print the result.
cout << timestwoplusthree << endl;
  • ambda表达式使用在高阶函数里

#include <iostream>
#include <functional> int main()
using namespace std; auto addtwointegers = [](int x) -> function<int(int)> {
return [=](int y) { return x + y; };
}; auto higherorder = [](const function<int(int)>& f, int z) {
return f(z) * ;
}; // Call the lambda expression that is bound to higherorder.
auto answer = higherorder(addtwointegers(), ); // Print the result, which is (7+8)*2.
cout << answer << endl;


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