We will use demo project as an example, go though QuickStart repo.


First you should have python & pip installed on your machine, then install robot framework libaraies.

pip install robotframework
pip install robotframework-selenium2library

Clone the repo.


robot login_tests

login_tests is the folder contains all the test cases. After running the tests, it should all pass.


You are able to define keywords, you can think 'keywords' is something like composeable function. It combines multi functions together as a single function. In Robot framkwork, it combines multi test cases into one single suit.

For example:

*** Keywords ***
User "${username}" logs in with password "${password}"
Input username ${username}
Input password ${password}
Submit credentials

"User "${username}" logs in with password "${password}"" is a new "keyword" which can be use elsewhere:

*** Test Cases ***
Valid Login
Given browser is opened to login page
When user "demo" logs in with password "mode"
Then welcome page should be open

"Given", "When" && "Then" are built in keyword in Robot framework.

And the keyword itself also combines multi keywords:

Input Username
[Arguments] ${username}
Input Text username_field ${username} Input Password
[Arguments] ${password}
Input Text password_field ${password} Submit Credentials
Click Button login_button

"Argumenets" here you can think it is function params, so when user use "Input Username", should also give a param.

"Input Text" is a built in keywords,from seleium libaray,  "username_field" is a id selector:

<td><input id="username_field" size="30" type="text"></td>



*** Variables ***
${SERVER} localhost:
${BROWSER} Firefox
${VALID USER} demo
${INVALID USER} invalid
${INVALID PWD} invalid
${LOGIN URL} http://${SERVER}/
${WELCOME URL} http://${SERVER}/welcome.html
${ERROR URL} http://${SERVER}/error.html

You can define variables, and you can use those inside other files, just need to import the file contains variables:

*** Settings ***
Documentation A test suite with a single Gherkin style test.
... This test is functionally identical to the example in
... valid_login.robot file.
Resource resource.robot

Then you can use those like:

Login Should Have Failed
Location Should Be ${ERROR URL}
Title Should Be Error Page

Different way to write tests:

*** Settings ***
Documentation A test suite containing tests related to invalid login.
... These tests are data-driven by their nature. They use a single
... keyword, specified with Test Template setting, that is called
... with different arguments to cover different scenarios.
... This suite also demonstrates using setups and teardowns in
... different levels.
Suite Setup Open Browser To Login Page
Suite Teardown Close Browser
Test Setup Go To Login Page
Test Template Login With Invalid Credentials Should Fail
Resource resource.robot *** Test Cases ***
Invalid Username invalid ${VALID PASSWORD}
Invalid Password ${VALID USER} invalid
Invalid Username And Password invalid whatever
Empty Username ${EMPTY} ${VALID PASSWORD}
Empty Password ${VALID USER} ${EMPTY}
Empty Username And Password ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} *** Keywords ***
Login With Invalid Credentials Should Fail
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
Input Username ${username}
Input Password ${password}
Submit Credentials
Login Should Have Failed


*** Settings ***
Documentation A test suite containing tests related to invalid login.
... These tests are data-driven by their nature. They use a single
... keyword, specified with Test Template setting, that is called
... with different arguments to cover different scenarios.
... This suite also demonstrates using setups and teardowns in
... different levels.
Suite Setup Open Browser To Login Page
Suite Teardown Close Browser
Test Setup Go To Login Page
Test Template Login With Invalid Credentials Should Fail
Resource resource.robot *** Test Cases *** USER NAME PASSWORD
Invalid Username invalid ${VALID PASSWORD}
Invalid Password ${VALID USER} invalid
Invalid Username And Password invalid whatever
Empty Username ${EMPTY} ${VALID PASSWORD}
Empty Password ${VALID USER} ${EMPTY}
Empty Username And Password ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} *** Keywords ***
Login With Invalid Credentials Should Fail
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
Input Username ${username}
Input Password ${password}
Submit Credentials
Login Should Have Failed


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