
1 向左旋转90°

//unsigned char *pImgData: 输入图像指针
//int WidthIn, int HeightIn:输入图像宽、高
//unsigned char *pImgOut: 旋转后图像指针
void RotateOfLeft(unsigned char *pImgData, int WidthIn, int HeightIn)
int i, j, tempSize;
int WidthOut = HeightIn;
int HeightOut = WidthIn;
unsigned char pImgtemp[*];
for (i = ; i < HeightIn; i ++)
for (j = ;j < WidthIn; j ++)
*(pImgtemp + i*WidthIn + j) = *(pImgData*WidthIn + j);
for (i = ; i < HeightOut; i ++)
for (j = ;j < WidthOut; j ++)
*(pImgData + i*WidthOut + j) = *(pImgtemp + (j+)*WidthIn - - i);

2 向右旋转90°

//unsigned char *pImgData: 输入图像指针
//int WidthIn, int HeightIn:输入图像宽、高
//unsigned char *pImgOut: 旋转后图像指针
void RotateOfRight(unsigned char *pImgData, int WidthIn, int HeightIn, unsigned char *pImgOut)
int i, j;
int WidthOut = HeightIn;
int HeightOut = WidthIn;
for (i = ; i < HeightOut; i ++)
for (j = ;j < WidthOut; j ++)
*(pImgOut + i*WidthOut + j) = *(pImgData + (HeightIn - j - 1)*WidthIn + i);


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