How would you reference this object with a URL, with a meaningful name? You could use so the URL would look like this:

Or, you could reference the title like so: 46 Year Old Virgin

Problem is, spaces aren't valid in URLs, they need to be replaced by %20 which is ugly, making it the following:

That's not solving our meaningful URL. Wouldn't this be better:

That's a slug. the-46-year-old-virgin. All letters are downcased and spaces are replaced by hyphens -. See the URL of this very webpage for an example!

 $slug = url_title($this->input->post('title'), 'dash', TRUE);

用于将字符串 中的所有空格替换成连接符(-),并将所有字符转换为小写。 这样其实就生成了一个 slug ,可以很好的用于创建 URI 。


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