

    var patterns = {
text: /^['"]?(.+?)["']?$/,
url: /^url\(["']?(.+?)['"]?\)$/
}; function clean(content) {
if(content && content.length) {
var text = content.match(patterns.text)[1],
url = text.match(patterns.url);
return url ? '<img src="' + url[1] + '" />': text;
} function inject(prop, elem, content) {
if(prop != 'after') prop = 'before';
if(content = clean(elem.currentStyle[prop])) {
$(elem)[prop == 'before' ? 'prepend' : 'append'](
} $.pseudo = function(elem) {
inject('before', elem);
inject('after', elem);
elem.runtimeStyle.behavior = null;
}; if(document.createStyleSheet) {
var o = document.createStyleSheet(null, 0);
o.addRule('.dummy','display: static;');
o.cssText = 'html, head, head *, body, *.before, *.after, *.before *, *.after * { behavior: none; } * { behavior: expression($.pseudo(this)); }';
} })(jQuery); 引入插件后,即可在ie8中使用伪类选择器。


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