
In the application development process, it uses COM libraries and requires MS Word or Office to be installed when generates the word report.

In an easy and intuitive manor,DocX is fast, lightweight and best of all it does not require MS Word or Office to be installed.

And you need to install in order to use DocX is the .NET Framework 4.0, and also reference DocX.dll.

------------------------------Source Code-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dim tmpPath As String = Server.MapPath("~/template.docx")
Dim outputPath As String = Server.MapPath("~/Output.docx")
Dim productID As String = "Product I.D." & vbTab & vbTab & "32925" & vbCr
Dim productName As String = "Product Name." & vbTab & vbTab & "GESAPRIM GrDA 10KG BAG"

Dim fieldNames As String() =
New String() {"<<site>>", "<<sitecontact>>", "<<siteaddress1>>", "<<siteaddress2>>", "<<siteaddress3>>", "<<GenName>>", "<<body>>", "<<crop>>"}
Dim fieldValues As Object() =
New Object() {"Syngenta Crop Protection LLC", "Dr. Rene Arenas, Quality Manager", "3905 Highway 75", "River Road, St. Gabriel, Louisiana 70776", "E.U.A", "Terrence Zhang", productID, productName}

Using document As DocX = DocX.Load(tmpPath)

For index = 0 To fieldNames.Length - 1 Step +1
document.ReplaceText(fieldNames(index), fieldValues(index))

Dim p As Paragraph = document.InsertParagraph("", False)
Dim img As Novacode.Image = document.AddImage(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "/Images/Tamara Edwards.PNG")
Dim pic As Picture = img.CreatePicture()
p.InsertPicture(pic, 0)
p.Append("I am bold").FontSize(11).Bold().Append("1").Script(Script.superscript)

End Using



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