function Person(name,age){
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
} function _new(){
var Func = [].shift.call(arguments);
var obj = Object.create(Func.prototype);
return obj
} xm = _new(Person,'xiaoming',18); console.log(xm);


if (typeof Object.create !== "function") {
Object.create = function (proto, propertiesObject) {
if (typeof proto !== 'object' && typeof proto !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Object prototype may only be an Object: ' + proto);
} else if (proto === null) {
throw new Error("This browser's implementation of Object.create is a shim and doesn't support 'null' as the first argument.");
} if (typeof propertiesObject != 'undefined') throw new Error("This browser's implementation of Object.create is a shim and doesn't support a second argument."); function F() {}
F.prototype = proto; return new F();


if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
Function.prototype.bind = function(oThis) {
if (typeof this !== 'function') {
// closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5
// internal IsCallable function
throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable');
} var aArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
fToBind = this,
fNOP = function() {},
fBound = function() {
// this instanceof fNOP === true时,说明返回的fBound被当做new的构造函数调用
return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP
? this
: oThis,
// 获取调用时(fBound)的传参.bind 返回的函数入参往往是这么传递的
}; // 维护原型关系
if (this.prototype) {
// Function.prototype doesn't have a prototype property
fNOP.prototype = this.prototype;
// 下行的代码使fBound.prototype是fNOP的实例,因此
// 返回的fBound若作为new的构造函数,new生成的新对象作为this传入fBound,新对象的__proto__就是fNOP的实例
fBound.prototype = new fNOP(); return fBound;



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