When innodb_strict_mode is ONInnoDB returns errors rather than warnings for certain conditions. The default value is OFF.

Strict mode helps guard against ignored typos and syntax errors in SQL, or other unintended consequences of various combinations of operational modes and SQL statements. When innodb_strict_mode is ONInnoDB raises error conditions in certain cases, rather than issuing a warning and processing the specified statement (perhaps with unintended behavior). This is analogous to sql_mode in MySQL, which controls what SQL syntax MySQL accepts, and determines whether it silently ignores errors, or validates input syntax and data values.

The innodb_strict_mode setting affects the handling of syntax errors for CREATE TABLEALTER TABLE andCREATE INDEX statements. innodb_strict_mode also enables a record size check, so that an INSERT or UPDATE never fails due to the record being too large for the selected page size.

Oracle recommends enabling innodb_strict_mode when using ROW_FORMAT and KEY_BLOCK_SIZE clauses on CREATE TABLEALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX statements. When innodb_strict_mode is OFFInnoDB ignores conflicting clauses and creates the table or index, with only a warning in the message log. The resulting table might have different behavior than you intended, such as having no compression when you tried to create a compressed table. When innodb_strict_mode is ON, such problems generate an immediate error and the table or index is not created, avoiding a troubleshooting session later.

You can turn innodb_strict_mode ON or OFF on the command line when you start mysqld, or in the configuration file my.cnf or my.ini. You can also enable or disable innodb_strict_mode at runtime with the statement SET [GLOBAL|SESSION] innodb_strict_mode=mode, where mode is either ON or OFF. Changing the GLOBAL setting requires the SUPER privilege and affects the operation of all clients that subsequently connect. Any client can change the SESSION setting for innodb_strict_mode, and the setting affects only that client.




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