
2.       避免ANR的一些建议

Android applications normally run entirely on asingle (i.e. main) thread. This means that anything your application is doingin the main thread that takes a long time to complete can trigger the ANRdialog because your application is not giving itself a chance to handle theinput event or Intent broadcast.


Therefore any method that runs in the mainthread should do as little work as possible. In particular, Activities shoulddo as little as possible to set up in key life-cycle methods such asonCreate()and onResume(). Potentially long running operations such as network or databaseoperations, or computationally expensive calculations such as resizing bitmapsshould be done in a child thread (or in the case of databases operations, viaan asynchronous request). However, this does not mean that your main threadshould block while waiting for the child thread to complete — nor should youcall Thread.wait() or Thread.sleep().

因此任何在主线程中调用的函数都应该做尽量少的工作。尤其是四大组件的生命周期函数,比如Activity的生命周期函数 onCreate() 和onResume()。对于需要长时间运行的操作,如网络或者数据库操作,或者高代价的计算,或者调整bitmap大小,应该放在一个子线程中来执行。然而,这不意味着你的主线程应该在等待子线程完成时而阻塞,你的主线程应该为子线程提供一个 Handler,当完成时把结果返回给主线程,而不该调用 Thread.wait() 或 Thread.sleep()。

You can use StrictMode to help find potentiallylong running operations such as network or database operations that you mightaccidentally be doing your main thread.

你可以使用StrictMode 来帮助你在主线程中查找潜在的耗时操作,比如对网络或数据库操作。

Applications should avoid potentiallylong-running operations or calculations in BroadcastReceivers. But instead ofdoing intensive tasks via child threads (as the life of a BroadcastReceiver isshort), your application should start a Service if a potentially long runningaction needs to be taken in response to an Intent broadcast. As a side note,you should also avoid starting an Activity from an Intent Receiver, as it willspawn a new screen that will steal focus from whatever application the user iscurrently has running. If your application has something to show the user inresponse to an Intent broadcast, it should do so using the NotificationManager.

在BroadcastReceivers内应该避免的长时间操作或计算。对于耗时的工作,由于BroadcastReceivers的生命周期是非常短暂的,因此你也不应该在其中开启一个子线程来做该工作,而是应该启动一个 Service,再在这个Service中创建一个子线程来做该工作。另外,你也应该避免从一个Intent过滤器启动一个activity,因为它将产生一个新屏幕,从用户当前运行的应用中偷走焦点。如果你的应用中有一些内容作为Intent广播的反馈需要显示给用户,它应该使用Notification Manager来完成。

If your application is doing work in thebackground in response to user input, show that progress is being made(ProgressBar and ProgressDialog are useful for this).


If your application has a time-consuminginitial setup phase, consider showing a splash screen or rendering the mainview as quickly as possible and filling in the information asynchronously. Ineither case, you should indicate somehow that progress is being made, lest theuser perceive that the application is frozen.



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