pragma solidity ^0.4.0;

contract base{
address public _owner=msg.sender;
uint _a;
string internal _b ;
uint private _c;
//uint external _d;ParserError: Expected identifier but got 'external' function base() {
_a =10;
//uint _d public;Expected ';' but got 'public'
string _f;
} function getA() public view returns (uint){
return _a;
} function setA(uint c) internal{
} //modifier OnlyAdmin() private{Expected '{' but got 'private'
modifier OnlyAdmin(){
require(_owner == msg.sender);
} function kill() OnlyAdmin() external{
contract base1 is base{
function getA() public view returns(uint){
//return _c;DeclarationError: Undeclared identifier. Did you mean "_a" or "_b"?
//return _b;Overriding function return types differ:覆盖函数返回类型不同
return _a;
function getE(){
//this.setA(20);Member "setA" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract base1
} contract base2{ uint public _e;
function getE(){
//this.getA();Member "getA" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract base2
//contract base2 is base1,base{ Linearization of inheritance graph impossible:继承图的线性化是不可能的
contract base3 is base,base1{
uint public _e;


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