#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> using namespace std;
class Foo
int i;
float f;
char *cp; }; int main()
Foo f1;
if(f1.cp == 0) cout <<" in stack,f1.cp is null "<< endl;
cout<< f1.i << " " << f1.f <<" "<<f1.cp << endl; Foo *pf = new Foo();
if(pf->cp == 0) cout <<" in heap,pf.cp is null "<< endl;
cout << pf->i << " " << pf->f << " "<< pf->cp <<endl; return 0;

/work/ctest/insideTheC++ObjectModel$ ./1
770374040 4.55997e-41 H�l$�L�d$�H�-
 in heap,pf.cp is null
0 0


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