

esriControlsMousePointer Constants

Control mouse pointer options.

Constant Value Description
esriPointerParentWindow -1 pointer specified on the parent window or form.
esriPointerDefault 0 Default pointer, same as arrow.
esriPointerArrow 1 Standard arrow.
esriPointerCrosshair 2 Crosshair.
esriPointerIBeam 3 I-Beam.
esriPointerIcon 4 Icon.
esriPointerSize 5 Size, four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east and west.
esriPointerSizeNESW 6 Size NE-SW, double arrow pointing north-east and south-west.
esriPointerSizeNS 7 Size N-S, double arrow pointing north and south.
esriPointerSizeNWSE 8 Size NW-SE, double arrow pointing north-west and south-east.
esriPointerSizeWE 9 Size W-E, double arrow pointing west and east.
esriPointerUpArrow 10 Arrow pointing vertically up.
esriPointerHourglass 11 Hourglass, wait cursor.
esriPointerNoDrop 12 Circle with slash through it or a no entry sign.
esriPointerArrowHourglass 13 Standard arrow and small hourglass.
esriPointerArrowQuestion 14 Arrow and question mark.
esriPointerSizeAll 15 Size all, a four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east and west.
esriPointerZoom 50 Zoom, a magnifying glass.
esriPointerZoomIn 51 Zoom in, a magnifying glass with a plus sign.
esriPointerZoomOut 52 Zoom out, a magnifying glass with a minus sign.
esriPointerPan 53 Pan, a hand.
esriPointerPanning 54 Panning, a clenched hand.
esriPointerIdentify 55 Identify, arrow with information symbol.
esriPointerLabel 56 Label, arrow with letter A.
esriPointerHotLink 57 Hot-Link, lightening strike.
esriPointerPencil 58 Pencil.
esriPointerHand 59 Hand, closed hand with index finger pointing vertically.
esriPointerPageZoomIn 60 Page zoom In, magnifying glass with plus sign and a small page.
esriPointerPageZoomOut 61 Page zoom out, magnifying glass with minus sign and a small page.
esriPointerPagePan 62 Page pan, open hand with page symbol.
esriPointerPagePanning 63 Page pan, closed hand with page symbol.
esriPointerCustom 99 Custom icon specified by the MouseIcon property.


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