写了非常多关于C++11的博客。总是认为不踏实,非常多东西都是东拼西凑。市场上也非常少有C++11的优秀书籍,但幸运的是Meyers老爷子并没有闲赋。为我们带来了《effective modern c++》。


说上面这段话的意思就是,我们不能期待《effective modern c++》能达到《effective c++》给我们带来的惊喜,可是也是出自大师之手。

Learn how to program expertly with C++ with this practical book from Scott Meyers, one of the world’s foremost authorities on this systems programming language. Scott Meyers takes some of the most difficult pieces of C++ code and unfurls them so that you can see how to manipulate your own project code. This is the first book to contain content written with the C++14 standard.

Tackle 42 separate C++ problems and solutions

Learn critical techniques for success on topics from smart pointers to lambda expressions

Understand key concepts by taking the C++ 98 standard to C++ 11 and then to C++ 14


Scott Meyers是世界顶级的C++软件开发技术权威之中的一个。他是两本畅销书Effective C++和More Effective C++的作者,以前以前是C++ Report的专栏作家。他常常为C/C++ Users Journal和Dr. Dobb’s Journal撰稿,也为全球范围内的客户做咨询活动。他也是Advisory Boards for NumeriX LLC和InfoCruiser公司的成员。

他拥有Brown University的计算机科学博士学位。


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