How to use Finder Quick Menur:

1. Start Finder Quick Menu.
2. Open "System Preferences -> Extension" to enable "Finder Quick Menu Extension".
3. Go to Finder, you can see there is a button on the right side of toolbar.
4. Or you can right click mouse on some file, the context menu will also be displayed in the right menu.
5. Some configures can be updated in the preferences setting window.

Main Features:

1. Create new file with more than 30 embedded template, or using a custom template.
2. View the directory history which you visited recently, restore anyone you wish.
3. Copy the file path to clipboard, and paste to the other places.

4. Launch terminal quickly in the current directory.

Q: How to add template?

A: Click the "+" button and choose a file, then you can create a new file with the same contents.

Q: Why doesn't the context menu appear in my finder?

A: You need to enable the "Finder Quick Menu Extension" in the "System Preferences -> Extension".


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