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    #include <pthread.h>
pthread_once_t once_control=PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once_control,void(*init_routine)(void));
init_routine 初始化函数 实例代码如下:
[cpp] view plain copy #include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
pthread_once_t once_block = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
pthread_mutex_t mutex; /*
* This is the one-time initialization routine. It will be
* called exactly once, no matter how many calls to pthread_once
* with the same control structure are made during the course of
* the program.
void once_init_routine (void)
int status; status = pthread_mutex_init (&mutex, NULL);
if (status != )
printf("error Init Mutex");
} /*
* Thread start routine that calls pthread_once.
void *thread_routine (void *arg)
int status; status = pthread_once (&once_block, once_init_routine);
if (status != )
printf("error Once init");
status = pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);
if (status != )
printf("error Lock mutex");
printf ("thread_routine has locked the mutex.\n");
status = pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);
if (status != )
printf("error Unlock mutex");
return NULL;
} int main (int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t thread_id;
char *input, buffer[];
int status; status = pthread_create (&thread_id, NULL, thread_routine, NULL);
if (status != )
printf("error Create thread");
status = pthread_once (&once_block, once_init_routine);
if (status != )
printf("error Once init");
status = pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);
if (status != )
printf("error Lock mutex");
printf ("Main has locked the mutex.\n");
status = pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);
if (status != )
printf("error Unlock mutex");
status = pthread_join (thread_id, NULL);
if (status != )
printf("error Join thread");
return ;
} 程序输出: Main has locked the mutex.
thread_routine has locked the mutex. 二,线程私有数据 在单线程程序中,我们经常要用到"全局变量"以实现多个函数间共享数据。在多线程环境下,由于数据空间是共享的,因此全局变量也为所有线程所共有。但有时应用程序设计中有必要提供线程私有的全局变量,仅在某个线程中有效,但却可以跨多个函数访问,比如程序可能需要每个线程维护一个链表,而使用相同的函数操作,最简单的办法就是使用同名而不同变量地址的线程相关数据结构。这样的数据结构可以由Posix线程库维护,称为线程私有数据(Thread-specific Data,或TSD)。 )建立线程私有数据
[cpp] view plain copy pthread_key_t key;
int pthread_key_create(pthread_key *key,void (*destructor)(void*));
int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key); 该函数从TSD池中分配一项,将其值赋给key供以后访问使用。如果destr_function不为空,在线程退出(pthread_exit())时将以key所关联的数据为参数调用destr_function(),以释放分配的缓冲区。不论哪个线程调用pthread_key_create(),所创建的key都是所有线程可访问的,但各个线程可根据自己的需要往key中填入不同的值,这就相当于提供了一个同名而不同值的全局变量. pthread_key_delete这个函数并不检查当前是否有线程正使用该TSD,也不会调用清理函数(destr_function),而只是将TSD释放以供下一次调用pthread_key_create()使用。因为只有你肯定没有线程持有该键值时,才能删除线程私有数据键,故通常的做法是不释放线程私有数据键。 )使用线程私有数据 [cpp] view plain copy int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value)
void * pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key) 可以使用pthread_getspecific函数来获取线程当前键值,或通过第一个函数改变当前的键值。
[cpp] view plain copy /*
* tsd_once.c
* Demonstrate use of pthread_once to initialize something
* exactly once within a multithreaded program.
* Note that it is often easier to use a statically initialized
* mutex to accomplish the same result.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h> /*
* Structure used as the value for thread-specific data key.
typedef struct tsd_tag {
pthread_t thread_id;
char *string;
} tsd_t; pthread_key_t tsd_key; /* Thread-specific data key */
pthread_once_t key_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; /*
* One-time initialization routine used with the pthread_once
* control block.
void once_routine (void)
int status; printf ("initializing key\n");
status = pthread_key_create (&tsd_key, NULL);
if (status != )
printf("error Create key");
* Thread start routine that uses pthread_once to dynamically
* create a thread-specific data key.
void *thread_routine (void *arg)
tsd_t *value;
int status; status = pthread_once (&key_once, once_routine);//一次性初始化
if (status != )
printf("error Once init");
value = (tsd_t*)malloc (sizeof (tsd_t));
if (value == NULL)
printf("error Allocate key value");
status = pthread_setspecific (tsd_key, value);
if (status != )
printf("error Set tsd");
printf ("%s set tsd value %p\n", arg, value);
value->thread_id = pthread_self ();
value->string = (char*)arg;
value = (tsd_t*)pthread_getspecific (tsd_key);
printf ("%s starting...\n", value->string);
sleep ();
value = (tsd_t*)pthread_getspecific (tsd_key);
printf ("%s done...\n", value->string);
return NULL;
} void main (int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t thread1, thread2;
int status; status = pthread_create (
&thread1, NULL, thread_routine, "thread 1");
if (status != )
printf("error Create thread 1");
status = pthread_create (
&thread2, NULL, thread_routine, "thread 2");
if (status != )
printf("error Create thread 2");
} 运行结果如下: thread set tsd value 0x9de24f0
thread starting...
thread set tsd value 0x9de2500
thread starting...
thread done...
thread done... 部分内容摘自:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/thread/posix_threadapi/part2/


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