#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
time_t tNow =time(NULL);
time_t tEnd = tNow + ;
struct tm* ptm = localtime(&tNow);
struct tm* ptmEnd = localtime(&tEnd); char szTmp[] = {};
char szEnd[] = {};
strftime(szEnd,,"%H:%M:%S",ptmEnd); printf("%s /n",szTmp);
printf("%s /n",szEnd); system("PAUSE");
} 最后出来的结果是::: :: 和最初想法不一致。查阅localtime的文档,发现这段话:This structure is statically allocated and shared by the functions gmtime and localtime. Each time either one of these functions is called the content of this structure is overwritten.也就是说每次只能同时使用localtime()函数一次,要不就会被重写!The localtime() function need not be reentrant. A function that is not required to be reentrant is not required to be thread-safe.因此localtime()不是可重入的。同时libc里提供了一个可重入版的函数localtime_r();Unlike localtime(), the reentrant version is not required to set tzname。 修改程序:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
time_t tNow =time(NULL);
time_t tEnd = tNow + ; //在这里修改程序
//struct tm* ptm = localtime(&tNow);
//struct tm* ptmEnd = localtime(&tEnd);
struct tm ptm = { };
struct tm ptmEnd = { };
localtime_r(&tNow, &ptm);
localtime_r(&tEnd, &ptmEnd); char szTmp[] = {};
char szEnd[] = {};
printf("%s /n",szTmp);
printf("%s /n",szEnd); system("PAUSE");
} 最后出来的结果是::: ::


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