来自 http://source.wiredtiger.com/

WiredTiger is an high performance, scalable, production quality, NoSQL, Open Source extensible platform for data management.

WiredTiger supports row-oriented storage (where all columns of a row are stored together), column-oriented storage (where columns are stored in groups, allowing for more efficient access and storage of column subsets) and log-structured merge trees (LSM), for sustained throughput under random insert workloads.

WiredTiger includes ACID transactions with standard isolation levels and durability at both checkpoint and fine-grained granularity.

WiredTiger can be used as a simple key/value store, but also has a complete schema layer, including indices and projections.

WiredTiger should be generally portable to any 64-bit system supporting the ANSI C99, POSIX 1003.1 and POSIX 1003.1c (threads extension) standards.

For more information on the WiredTiger architecture and why it might be right for your project, see:

For more information about building and installing WiredTiger, see:

For more information about writing WiredTiger applications, see:

For more information about administrating WiredTiger databases, see:

For release change logs and upgrading information, see:

WiredTiger is Open Source; for more information, see:

WiredTiger releases are tested on Linux, FreeBSD and OS X; for more information, see:

To browse the WiredTiger source code repository or contact us, see:


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