select * from dbo.orders  group by  custid  with cube    select custid ,row_number() over(order by empid) as number from  orders    select count(*) from orders where empid >'5' and orderid in ('10248','10249')    drop table test  create table test(id int,name varchar(20),quarter int,profile int) insert into test values(1,'a',1,1000) insert into test values(1,'a',2,2000) insert into test values(1,'a',3,4000) insert into test values(1,'a',4,5000) insert into test values(2,'b',1,3000) insert into test values(2,'b',2,3500) insert into test values(2,'b',3,4200) insert into test values(2,'b',4,5500) select * from test

select id,name, [1] as "一季度", [2] as "二季度", [3] as "三季度", [4] as "四季度", [5] as "5" from test pivot ( sum(profile) for quarter in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5]) ) as pvt CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestRows2Columns](     [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,     [UserName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,     [Subject] [nvarchar](50) NULL,     [Source] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO

--插入测试数据 INSERT INTO [TestRows2Columns] ([UserName],[Subject],[Source])     SELECT N'张三',N'语文',60  UNION ALL     SELECT N'李四',N'数学',70  UNION ALL     SELECT N'王五',N'英语',80  UNION ALL     SELECT N'王五',N'数学',75  UNION ALL     SELECT N'王五',N'语文',57  UNION ALL     SELECT N'李四',N'语文',80  UNION ALL     SELECT N'张三',N'英语',100 GO

SELECT * FROM [TestRows2Columns]

select username , sum(case[subject] when '数学' then source else  0 end) as '[数学]', sum(case[subject] when '英语' then source else  0 end) as '[英语]', sum(case[subject] when '语文' then source else  0 end) as '[语文]' from [TestRows2Columns] group by username

select * from (select username,subject,source from TestRows2Columns)p pivot (sum (source) for subject in ([数学],[英语],[语文] )) as v order by v.username


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