27 GroupSock概述(一)——live555源码阅读(四)网络

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#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE)
/* Windows */
#if defined(WINNT) || defined(_WINNT) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_WIN32_WCE)
#define _MSWSOCK_
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h> #define closeSocket closesocket //关闭socket函数
#define EAGAIN WSAEWOULDBLOCK //10035L 再试一次
#define EINTR WSAEINTR //10004L 中断 #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
#define NO_STRSTREAM 1
#endif /* Definitions of size-specific types: 定义特定大小的类型*/
typedef __int64 int64_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 u_int64_t;
typedef unsigned u_int32_t;
typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
// For "uintptr_t" and "intptr_t", we assume that if they're not already defined, then this must be
// “uintptr_t”和“intptr_t”,我们认为如果他们不是已经定义,那么这一定是
// an old, 32-bit version of Windows: 一个老的,32位版本的Windows:
#if !defined(_MSC_STDINT_H_) && !defined(_UINTPTR_T_DEFINED) && !defined(_UINTPTR_T_DECLARED) && !defined(_UINTPTR_T)
typedef unsigned uintptr_t;
#if !defined(_MSC_STDINT_H_) && !defined(_INTPTR_T_DEFINED) && !defined(_INTPTR_T_DECLARED) && !defined(_INTPTR_T)
typedef int intptr_t;
#endif #elif defined(VXWORKS)
/* VxWorks */
#include <time.h>
#include <timers.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sockLib.h>
#include <hostLib.h>
#include <resolvLib.h>
#include <ioLib.h> typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
typedef unsigned char u_int8_t; #else
/* Unix */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(_QNX4)
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <unix.h>
#endif #define closeSocket close #ifdef SOLARIS
#define u_int64_t uint64_t
#define u_int32_t uint32_t
#define u_int16_t uint16_t
#define u_int8_t uint8_t
#endif #ifndef SOCKLEN_T
#define SOCKLEN_T int





typedef u_int16_t Cookie;
/* cookie(储存在用户本地终端上的数据)
储存在用户本地终端上的数据(通常经过加密)。定义于RFC2109和2965都已废弃,最新规范是RFC6265 。
*/ /*tunnel中文译为隧道。网络隧道(Tunnelling)技术是个关键技术。网络隧道技术指的是利用一种网络协议来传输另一种网络协议,它主要利用网络隧道协议来实现这种功能。网络隧道技术涉及了三种网络协议,即网络隧道协议、隧道协议下面的承载协议和隧道协议所承载的被承载协议。
*/ // 这个类很有意思,它内部并无数据成员,其函数成员的返回都是以this为基准进行偏移
// 后,转换这个偏移后的地址为相应的指针类型,再取指针指向内存的内容。
// 所以这个类并不会用来创建对象,而是作为一种类型来使用。可能诸如以下代码
// unsigned long long t= 0x1239874560864216L;
// cout << ((TunnelEncapsulationTrailer*)&t)->address() << endl;
// cout << 0x12398745 << endl; class TunnelEncapsulationTrailer {
// The trailer is layed out as follows:
// bytes 0-1: source 'cookie' 源Cookie
// bytes 2-3: destination 'cookie' 目的Cookie
// bytes 4-7: address 地址
// bytes 8-9: port 端口
// byte 10: ttl TTL
// byte 11: command 命令 // Optionally, there may also be a 4-byte 'auxilliary address'
// 随意,也可能有一个4字节的"辅助地址"
// (e.g., for 'source-specific multicast' preceding this)
// (例如,“特定源组播”在此之前)
// bytes -4 through -1: auxilliary address
// -4到-1字节(this之前4个字节),辅助地址 public:
Cookie& srcCookie()
{ return *(Cookie*)byteOffset(0); }
Cookie& dstCookie()
{ return *(Cookie*)byteOffset(2); }
u_int32_t& address()
{ return *(u_int32_t*)byteOffset(4); }
Port& port()
{ return *(Port*)byteOffset(8); }
u_int8_t& ttl()
{ return *(u_int8_t*)byteOffset(10); }
u_int8_t& command()
{ return *(u_int8_t*)byteOffset(11); } u_int32_t& auxAddress()
{ return *(u_int32_t*)byteOffset(-4); } private:
inline char* byteOffset(int charIndex)
{ return ((char*)this) + charIndex; }
}; const unsigned TunnelEncapsulationTrailerSize = 12; // bytes隧道封装拖车尺寸
const unsigned TunnelEncapsulationTrailerAuxSize = 4; // bytes辅助的尺寸
const unsigned TunnelEncapsulationTrailerMaxSize //最大尺寸
= TunnelEncapsulationTrailerSize + TunnelEncapsulationTrailerAuxSize; // Command codes:命令码
// 0: unused
const u_int8_t TunnelDataCmd = 1; //隧道的数据命令
const u_int8_t TunnelJoinGroupCmd = 2; //隧道连接组命令
const u_int8_t TunnelLeaveGroupCmd = 3; //隧道离开组命令
const u_int8_t TunnelTearDownCmd = 4; //隧道拆除命令
const u_int8_t TunnelProbeCmd = 5; //隧道探针命令
const u_int8_t TunnelProbeAckCmd = 6; //隧道探针ACK命令
const u_int8_t TunnelProbeNackCmd = 7; //隧道探针NACK命令
const u_int8_t TunnelJoinRTPGroupCmd = 8; //隧道加入RTP组命令
const u_int8_t TunnelLeaveRTPGroupCmd = 9; //隧道离开RTP组命令 // 0x0A through 0x10: currently unused.0x0a到0x10:目前未使用
// a flag, not a cmd code一个标识,不是命令码。隧道扩展标识
const u_int8_t TunnelExtensionFlag = 0x80; //bits:1000 0000 const u_int8_t TunnelDataAuxCmd //隧道数据辅助命令
= (TunnelExtensionFlag|TunnelDataCmd);
const u_int8_t TunnelJoinGroupAuxCmd //隧道连接组辅助命令
= (TunnelExtensionFlag|TunnelJoinGroupCmd);
const u_int8_t TunnelLeaveGroupAuxCmd //隧道离开组辅助命令
= (TunnelExtensionFlag|TunnelLeaveGroupCmd);
// Note: the TearDown, Probe, ProbeAck, ProbeNack cmds have no Aux version
// 注意:TearDown(拆除),Probe(探针),ProbeAck(Ack探针),ProbeNack(NACK探针)没有辅助版命令
// 0x84 through 0x87: currently unused.
const u_int8_t TunnelJoinRTPGroupAuxCmd //隧道加入RTP组辅助命令
= (TunnelExtensionFlag|TunnelJoinRTPGroupCmd);
const u_int8_t TunnelLeaveRTPGroupAuxCmd//隧道离开RTP组辅助命令
= (TunnelExtensionFlag|TunnelLeaveRTPGroupCmd);
// 0x8A through 0xFF: currently unused
inline Boolean TunnelIsAuxCmd(u_int8_t cmd) {
return (cmd&TunnelExtensionFlag) != 0;


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