
_netConnection.client = { onBWDone: function():void{ trace("onBWDone"); } };


_netConnection.client = this;

public function onBWDone(...rest):void
var p_bw:Number;
if (rest.length > 0){
p_bw = rest[0];
trace("bandwidth = " + p_bw + " Kbps.");


_netConnection.client = new NetConnectionClient();
public class NetConnectionClient
public function NetConnectionClient()
} public function onBWCheck(...rest):Number
return 0;
} public function onBWDone(...rest):void
var p_bw:Number;
if (rest.length > 0){
p_bw = rest[0];
trace("bandwidth = " + p_bw + " Kbps.");


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