
<select id="status" class="form-control valid" onchange="" name="status">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="0">未审核</option>
<option value="1">初审通过</option>
<option value="2">复审通过</option>
<option value="3">审核不通过</option>




class Select:

    def __init__(self, webelement):
Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not,
then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args:
- webelement - element SELECT element to wrap Example:
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select \n
if webelement.tag_name.lower() != "select":
raise UnexpectedTagNameException(
"Select only works on <select> elements, not on <%s>" %
self._el = webelement
multi = self._el.get_attribute("multiple")
self.is_multiple = multi and multi != "false"



def select_by_index(self, index):
"""Select the option at the given index. This is done by examing the "index" attribute of an
element, and not merely by counting. :Args:
- index - The option at this index will be selected
match = str(index)
matched = False
for opt in self.options:
if opt.get_attribute("index") == match:
if not self.is_multiple:
matched = True
if not matched:
raise NoSuchElementException("Could not locate element with index %d" % index)

  继续查看select_by_index() 方法的使用并符合上面的给出的下拉框的要求,因为它要求下拉框的选项必须要有index属性,例如index=”1”。

def select_by_value(self, value):
"""Select all options that have a value matching the argument. That is, when given "foo" this
would select an option like: <option value="foo">Bar</option> :Args:
- value - The value to match against
css = "option[value =%s]" % self._escapeString(value)
opts = self._el.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, css)
matched = False
for opt in opts:
if not self.is_multiple:
matched = True
if not matched:
raise NoSuchElementException("Cannot locate option with value: %s" % value)

  继续查看select_by_value() 方法符合我们的需求,它用于选取<option>标签的value值。最终,可以通过下面有实现选择下拉框的选项。

from selenium.webdriver.support.select import Select

sel = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@id='status']")
Select(sel).select_by_value('') #未审核
Select(sel).select_by_value('') #初审通过
Select(sel).select_by_value('') #复审通过
Select(sel).select_by_value('') #审核不通过



package com.jase.base;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By.ById;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.Select; public class SelectTest { public static void main(String[] args){ WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.get("http://www.you_url.com"); // …… Select sel = new Select(driver.findElement(ById.xpath("//select[@id='status']")));
sel.selectByValue("0"); //未审核
sel.selectByValue("1"); //初审通过
sel.selectByValue("2"); //复审通过
sel.selectByValue("3"); //审核不通过


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