* 定义降序的groupingStore
var DescGroupingStore = Ext.extend(Ext.data.GroupingStore, {
groupDir : 'ASC',
groupBy : function(field, forceRegroup, direction) {
direction = direction ? (String(direction)
.toUpperCase() == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC')
: this.groupDir;
if (this.groupField == field
this.groupDir == direction && !forceRegroup) {
this.groupField = field;
this.groupDir = direction;
if (this.remoteGroup) {
if (!this.baseParams) {
this.baseParams = {};
this.baseParams['groupBy'] = field;
this.baseParams['groupDir'] = direction;
if (this.groupOnSort) {
this.sort(field, direction);
if (this.remoteGroup) {
} else {
var si = this.sortInfo || {};
if (si.field != field || si.direction != direction) {
} else {
this.sortData(field, direction);
this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);
applySort : function() {
if (!this.groupOnSort && !this.remoteGroup) {
if (this.groupField != this.sortInfo.field
|| this.groupDir != this.sortInfo.direction) {
this.sortData(this.groupField, this.groupDir);
applyGrouping : function(alwaysFireChange) {
if (this.groupField !== false) {
this.groupBy(this.groupField, true, this.groupDir);
return true;
} else {
if (alwaysFireChange === true) {
this.fireEvent('datachanged', this);
return false;
// 消息列表数据源
var messageStore = new DescGroupingStore({
proxy : new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url : "listMessGrid.action"
reader : myReader,
groupDir : 'DESC',
groupField : 'status',
sortInfo : {
field : 'id',
direction : "DESC"
view : new Ext.grid.GroupingView({
showGroupName : false,
groupTextTpl : '{gvalue}:{text} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "封" : "封"]})',
showGroupsText : "ddd"


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