




《统计学习基础-数据挖掘、推理与推测》中10.13.1 计算公式有写差异,此处需要注意。


 def get_fscore(self, fmap=''):
"""Get feature importance of each feature. Parameters
fmap: str (optional)
The name of feature map file
""" return self.get_score(fmap, importance_type='weight') def get_score(self, fmap='', importance_type='weight'):
"""Get feature importance of each feature.
Importance type can be defined as:
'weight' - the number of times a feature is used to split the data across all trees.
'gain' - the average gain of the feature when it is used in trees
'cover' - the average coverage of the feature when it is used in trees Parameters
fmap: str (optional)
The name of feature map file
""" if importance_type not in ['weight', 'gain', 'cover']:
msg = "importance_type mismatch, got '{}', expected 'weight', 'gain', or 'cover'"
raise ValueError(msg.format(importance_type)) # if it's weight, then omap stores the number of missing values
if importance_type == 'weight':
# do a simpler tree dump to save time
trees = self.get_dump(fmap, with_stats=False) fmap = {}
for tree in trees:
for line in tree.split('\n'):
# look for the opening square bracket
arr = line.split('[')
# if no opening bracket (leaf node), ignore this line
if len(arr) == 1:
continue # extract feature name from string between []
fid = arr[1].split(']')[0].split('<')[0] if fid not in fmap:
# if the feature hasn't been seen yet
fmap[fid] = 1
fmap[fid] += 1 return fmap else:
trees = self.get_dump(fmap, with_stats=True) importance_type += '='
fmap = {}
gmap = {}
for tree in trees:
for line in tree.split('\n'):
# look for the opening square bracket
arr = line.split('[')
# if no opening bracket (leaf node), ignore this line
if len(arr) == 1:
continue # look for the closing bracket, extract only info within that bracket
fid = arr[1].split(']') # extract gain or cover from string after closing bracket
g = float(fid[1].split(importance_type)[1].split(',')[0]) # extract feature name from string before closing bracket
fid = fid[0].split('<')[0] if fid not in fmap:
# if the feature hasn't been seen yet
fmap[fid] = 1
gmap[fid] = g
fmap[fid] += 1
gmap[fid] += g # calculate average value (gain/cover) for each feature
for fid in gmap:
gmap[fid] = gmap[fid] / fmap[fid] return gmap






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