These soul shields can either be obtained by E.Fleet Supply Chain or Blackram Supply Chain (4-man or 6-man). You can also exchange 10 Siren Emblems to a vendor in front of E.Fleet Supply Chain for a specific piece.

In E.Fleet they mostly come from boxes obtained from the bosses that spawn there such as Slashimi. However, you must do enough damage to the boss to get a "brilliant" version of the bosses' box in order to have a chance to obtain these soul shields.

In Blackram Supply Chain, these soul shields drop after each boss kill like previous dungeons (ex. Tomb of Exiles) and party members must outbid each other for them.

  • Note- Each piece of the soul shield set can roll different values but will always have HP as the base stat although this HP value has a set range it can roll for each piece as well. For example, soul shield #1 can roll 1540 HP, 58 Crit, 116 Accuracy OR 1540 HP, 46 Block, and 116 Accuracy (this is not the only variation)

Unlike other MMOs, armors aren’t an important factor in increasing player defense. In Blade and Soul, it is “Soul Shield”.

Soul Shield consists of 8 individual pieces. Each piece provides a different type of attributes including defense, HP, Accuracy, Critical, and so on. There is also a soul shield set providing additional bonus when wearing 3, 5, and 8 parts at the same time. It’s not necessary to focus only on a set of complete 8-piece Soul Shield. Sometimes, 5 pieces of 1 soul shield set and another 3 from other set gives a better bonus. Soul Shield bonus can be customized by using different Soul Shield pieces.

Since Soul Shield plays a part in increasing defense and related attributes, a martial artist is required to wear a cloth. Without it, Soul Shield can not be activated.

There’s a section in an inventory purely for Soul Shield. It will show how many Soul Shield pieces for each set you have at the moment, which part you will still need, and which set you have already completed. This also gives you a better overview for each set and makes it easier to compare the effectiveness of all Soul Shields set in your possession. Soul Shields can be changed at will while not in a fight.

I'm a bit confused on what SS set I should be aiming for (PvE). I've tried to research a bit but no one seems to agree. So far the best setups I've heard are

1- Misty Woods (faction farm set) pieces 1,2,3,4,6 and Brightstone 5,7,8

2- Full Misty Woods

3- Full Dokomo

3- Full PoH 24 (w/e it's called) blue version or purple if possible

Is there an optimal setup or is everyone just grabbing whatever? It's just that it'd be nice to know what to focus on.


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