

很多人问,明明有git gui 和 github可以直接图形化操作的吗?全部指令干啥???

呃(⊙o⊙)…呃(⊙o⊙)… ===> 装逼~







11.复制一份github ssh库的地址,一会儿有用


git clone刚才的地址)

Cloning into 'test'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Checking connectivity... done.



3.打开git bash 进入项目文件夹,添加全部(*) 提交

$ cd Windows10/ DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ ls DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ ls
00.HelloWorld/ 02.XAMLBaseDKill/ 04.MyProgram/ AppTest/ Win10开发.sln Win10开发.v12.suo
01.MyCommonAPP/ 03.MyDivApp/ 05.AllControls/ packages/ Win10开发.suo DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ git add * DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ git commit -m "逆天WP-Win10开发笔记源码(学习ing)"


DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ git push


$ git clone
Cloning into 'Windows10'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity... done. DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~
$ cd Windows10/ DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ ls DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ ls
00.HelloWorld/ 02.XAMLBaseDKill/ 04.MyProgram/ AppTest/ Win10开发.sln Win10开发.v12.suo
01.MyCommonAPP/ 03.MyDivApp/ 05.AllControls/ packages/ Win10开发.suo DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ git add * DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ git commit -m "逆天WP-Win10开发笔记源码(学习ing)"
[master (root-commit) 1bb5aa4] 逆天WP-Win10开发笔记源码(学习ing)
990 files changed, 64617 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 00.HelloWorld/00.HelloWorld.csproj
create mode 100644 00.HelloWorld/00.HelloWorld.csproj.user
create mode 100644 00.HelloWorld/App.xaml create mode 100644 packages/repositories.config DNT@DESKTOP-PTACRF6 MINGW64 ~/Windows10 (master)
$ git push
warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value has changed in
Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message
and maintain the traditional behavior, use: git config --global push.default matching To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use: git config --global push.default simple When push.default is set to 'matching', git will push local branches
to the remote branches that already exist with the same name. Since Git 2.0, Git defaults to the more conservative 'simple'
behavior, which only pushes the current branch to the corresponding
remote branch that 'git pull' uses to update the current branch. See 'git help config' and search for 'push.default' for further information.
(the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode
'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git) Counting objects: 729, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (681/681), done.
Writing objects: 100% (729/729), 5.58 MiB | 31.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 729 (delta 470), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new branch] master -> master

DNT_PC@DNT_PC-PC MINGW32 /d/gitworks/test (master)
$ git commit -m "直接添加本地文件库到github"
[master f33514f] 直接添加本地文件库到github
2 files changed, 223 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 "\345\221\275\344\273\244.txt"
create mode 100644 "\350\256\260\345\275\225.txt"

DNT_PC@DNT_PC-PC MINGW32 /d/gitworks/test (master)
$ git push
warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value has changed in
Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message
and maintain the traditional behavior, use:

git config --global push.default matching

To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use:

git config --global push.default simple

When push.default is set to 'matching', git will push local branches
to the remote branches that already exist with the same name.

Since Git 2.0, Git defaults to the more conservative 'simple'
behavior, which only pushes the current branch to the corresponding
remote branch that 'git pull' uses to update the current branch.

See 'git help config' and search for 'push.default' for further information.
(the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode
'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git)

Counting objects: 4, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 3.91 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
4e69105..f33514f master -> master


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