
function actionFtt(value, row, index) {
var customerId = row.customerId;//竞买人ID
var bailClass = row.bailClass;//保证金类别 var agencyId = row.agencyId;//市场ID

var detail = '<a href="#" onclick="detail(\'' + customerId + '\',\''+ bailClass + '\',\''+ agencyId + '\')">详情</a>';
return detail;
} return "";

2.在使用easyui dialog 方法的时候传值问题

* 保证金明细的详情信息
* 竞买人id()
* --- 通用 bailClass
* --- 专项 bailClass agencyId
function detail(customerId,bailClass,agencyId){
var detailLog= $('#dialog-alarm-detail').dialog(
title: '保证金明细详情',
width: '60%',
modal: true,
href: parent.parent.baseUrl+"customer/bail/bailInfo",
onLoad: function () {
type: "POST",
async: false,
success: function (result) {
idField : 'id', // 只要创建数据表格 就必须要加 ifField
// title : '保证金明细详情',
width: '100%',
url : parent.parent.baseUrl+'customer/bail/bailDetailsInfo?customerId='+customerId+'&&bailClass='+bailClass+'&&agencyId='+agencyId,
method : 'GET',
fitColumns : true,
striped : true, // 隔行变色特性
nowrap : false,
loadMsg : '数据正在加载,请耐心的等待...',
rownumbers : true,
sortName : 'crtTime',
sortOrder : 'desc',
rowStyler : function(index, record) {},
columns : [ [{
field : 'updTime',
title : '冻结时间',
width : 50,
align : 'center',
}, {
field : 'bailStatus',
title : '保证金冻结状态',
width : 50,
align : 'center',
formatter : statusFot
}, {
field : 'lockBail',
title : '保证金冻结金额',
width : 80,
align : 'center'
}, {
field : 'goodsName',
title : '拍卖名称',
width : 80,
align : 'center'
pagination : false,
pageSize : 10,
pageList : [ 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 ],
}); }
buttons : [ {
text : "关闭",
handler : function() {
} ]
}); }


* 查询保证金的明细的详情
* customerId
* bailClass
* agencyId
@RequestMapping(value = "/bailDetailsInfo", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { "application/json" })
public ListWithTotalCount<BailLockDTO> bailDetailsInfo(Long customerId,int bailClass,String agencyId) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("bailDetailsInfo, customerId:{}", customerId);
} List<BailLockDTO> retList = new ArrayList<BailLockDTO>();
BailLockDTO bailLockDto = null; if (bailClass == 1) {
Specification<BailLock> spec = (root, query, cb) -> {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
Predicate predicate1 = cb.equal(root.get(BailLock_.customerId), customerId);// 当前登录用户的id
Predicate predicate2 = cb.equal(root.get(BailLock_.bailClass), BailPay.BAIL_CLASS_TONGYONG);//通用
if (!predicates.isEmpty()) {
return cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
} else {
return null;
}; List<BailLock> bailLockList = bailLockRepository.findAll(spec);
if(bailLockList != null && bailLockList.size()>0){
for (BailLock bailLock : bailLockList) {
if (bailLock != null) {
String aucLotId = bailLock.aucLotId(); AucLot aucLot = aucLotRepository.findOne(aucLotId); //定义返回的信息值
bailLockDto = new BailLockDTO(bailLock.bailStatus(),aucLot.goodsName(),bailLock.lockBail(),bailLock.updTime());
} } else { Specification<BailLock> spec = (root, query, cb) -> {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
Predicate predicate1 = cb.equal(root.get(BailLock_.customerId), customerId);// 当前登录用户的id
Predicate predicate2 = cb.equal(root.get(BailLock_.bailClass), BailPay.BAIL_CLASS_ZHUANXIANG);//专项
Predicate predicate3 = cb.equal(root.get(BailLock_.agencyId), agencyId);//机构id
if (!predicates.isEmpty()) {
return cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
} else {
return null;
}; List<BailLock> bailLockList = bailLockRepository.findAll(spec);
if(bailLockList != null && bailLockList.size()>0){
for (BailLock bailLock : bailLockList) {
if (bailLock != null) {
String aucLotId = bailLock.aucLotId(); AucLot aucLot = aucLotRepository.findOne(aucLotId); //定义返回的信息值
bailLockDto = new BailLockDTO(bailLock.bailStatus(),aucLot.goodsName(),bailLock.lockBail(),bailLock.updTime());
} } return new ListWithTotalCount<BailLockDTO>(retList,100);


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