ThingWorx application need PostgreSQL, I try configurate it in macbook. The first step is install PostgreSQL.

Install PostgreSQL is very easy. Download it from, and install it.

But after installing db, I need create the database and space. I got error by following command.

postgres=# CREATE TABLESPACE thingworx
postgres-# OWNER twadmin
postgres-# LOCATION '/Work/ThingWorx/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage/thingworx';
ERROR: could not set permissions on directory "/Work/ThingWorx/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage/thingworx": Operation not permitted
ERROR:  could not set permissions on directory "/Work/ThingWorx/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage/thingworx": Operation not permitted

After some search in bing and baidu, I found the solution and reason.

The folder I was created by 'Eric' user, but PostgreSQL need set the creator as 'postgres'. Than I change the folder creator by following command.

$sudo chown postgres /Work/ThingWorx/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage/thingworx

$sudo chown postgres /Work/ThingWorx/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage/thingworx

After change the folder's owner, it work well.

BTW, If you create table or space repear the permission issue, please check the PostgreSQL's service account have full permission for the folder.


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