
You can also use Bootstrap's theming feature to easily effect a change in the application's look and feel. For example, you can do the following steps to change the theme.

  1. In your browser, go to http://Bootswatch.com, choose a theme, and then click Download. (This downloadsbootstrap.min.css by default; if you want to examine the CSS code, get bootstrap.css instead of the minified version.)
  2. Copy the contents of the downloaded CSS file.
  3. In Visual Studio, create a new Style Sheet file named bootstrap-theme.css in the Content folder and paste the downloaded CSS code into it.
  4. Open App_Start/Bundle.config and change bootstrap.css to bootstrap-theme.css.

Run the project again, and the application has a new look. The following illustration shows the effect of the Amelia theme:

Many Bootstrap themes are available, both free and premium versions. Bootstrap also offers a wide variety of UI components, such as drop-downsbutton groups, and icons. For more information about Bootstrap, see the Bootstrap site.

If you use the Web Forms designer in Visual Studio, note that the designer doesn't support CSS3, so it doesn't accurately show all the effects of Bootstrap themes or responsive layout changes. However, the Web Forms pages will display correctly when viewed with a browser.


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