Diligence is the mother of good fortune.


The mother of good fortune can be diligence, continuous trials and unremitting efforts.

But who is the father of good fortune?

Maybe the right direction you have chosen.

Sometimes if you are in the wrong direction, the more diligent you are, the further you will be away from the thing you want.

However, if your choice is not so bad, what you can do to achieve your goals may be keep on making efforts and be diligent.

That is the just secret of success for mediocre man.

Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.


This is the best suggestion I have heard this year.

Some people, and I am just one of them, are not able to enjoy theirselves when they are in their best conditions, and they also can't endure the difficult times when they are in adversities.

They live a tiresome life, actually, and they often lose theirselves in their chaotic life.

And who can rescure them from such situations?

Only theirselves.


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