转自 http://blog.csdn.net/thy822/article/details/8489779

这篇文章, 我不能同意更多, 所以转在这里.

Here is my thinking after looking at both products...

First of all let me tell you what I like about informatica....

- Inbuilt tool to export mappings to Excel and Visio.... helpful to document Process.
- Reusability of sources,Targets and Mappings (In SSIS No native Reusabilty except you are using
BI xPress Package Builder)
- Inbuilt Version Control:  SSIS Can give you this After Installing VSS,
SVN or other products but in Informatica it native feature to Checkout
and Checkin.
- Visibility of MetaData: you can click on any column in Pipeline and it
will show you where it originated from ... Pretty neat :)
- Scalibility Out of the box

Now let me go through some main points which will drive your purchase decision.

Trialing software and Cost:

Informatica costs you tons of money.. this is where 90% companies
drop their decision to buy it... once you buy it ...it will cost you
even more to maintain it every year so good luck with that!!! Every Dev
license will cost you money ... on the other end
Dev License of SQL Server is virtually Free ($50 per Dev Edition
License).... and Every SQL Server License comes with SSIS Server.
Trialing informatica is not easy... you wont find a place to download
it... on the other end downloading Entire BI Studio from
Microsoft is click away this itself shows me Informatica wants your all
money.... seriously why is that hard ????

Development Speed:

What I found after creating simple Work flow in Informatica takes
twice long than creating workflow in SSIS due to the fact informatica
stores Sources, targets and Mappings in seperate locations and then you
bring them all together in WorkFlow (similar as
ControlFlow in SSIS). One thing I like about this approach that
reusabily but from experience I hardly reuse Mappings (Load Customer
defined in one Workflow is rarely used in some other WorkFlow) so it
sounds like appealing feature but atleast not for me.

Informatica has too many jumps to Design WorkFlow, Session, Execute
WorkFlow and Monitor Progress all feels like I am using 3-4 different
applications... while SSIS is all in one compact window... and very
clean and Visual Debugging.

Scripting in SSIS is way more powerful than Informatica due to the
fact SSIS Script Editor is Shell of Visul Studio which gives you
BreakPoints, Watch, CallStack, Intellisense and Step By Step
Dbugging.... SSIS Scripting is C# or VB.net  ... Informatica

Inbuilt Tasks:

SSIS has advantage of having several inbuilt task which is not
available in Informatica.  But on the other end some Adapters and
Pipeline Features Impressed me in  informatica including XML
Destination, XML Transformation, Upsert Capabilty, Visibility of

Some of my fav task in SSIS Missing in Informatica:

- ForEach Looping
 - Script task
 - File System task

In SSIS you can spent few hundred bucks to buy any missing
features.... e.g. SFTP/FTPS, Zip/Unzip, SecureEmail, Sharepoint,
SalesForce Adapter, Upsert Destination, XML Destination


Informatica - Everything is stored in Central Repository (Oracle or
SQL DB)... what this means to developer ... You have nothing stored on
your machine. You have to be connected to Informatica Server all the
time. This was very frustrating coz I cant work
offline unlike SSIS.

SSIS: You can develop SSIS Packages on your local machine in
completely disconnected mode. When you ready to deploy to production it
can be stored in SQL Repository (msdb database) or can be stored on File

Debugging WorkFlow and Pipeline:

SSIS has lots of ways to debug various things... using BreakPoints,
Watch Window, DataViewer . I didnt find similar features in Informatica.
Debugging WorkFlow is more difficust in Informatica compared to SSIS.

Community Support:

SSIS Community support is amzing compared to any ETL Product out
there. I didnt find a single scenario which is not blogged by community.


Informatica is closed system doesnt allow you to create your own
Sources and Targets and Tasks like SSIS Does... You will find lots of
Free tasks and Adapter in SSIS which can fit your custom need or you can
create your own using SSIS APIs ... but in Informatica
its impossible or atleast I never found a way to do so.

3rd Party Support:

Informatica keeps tight control what  they want inside their
Products. If you need more functionality in informatica then you have to
Pay tons of Money to get few more Adapters - Called "Power Exchange Module".
With SSIS you will find plenty of 3rd party products which will fit to your custom ETL Need at low cost yet high Quality. (e.g.

... Informatica was pioneer in ETL market … they came very first in the
market they dominated many fortune 500 hundred companies... But since
then MS Seriously invested
in BI Segment and current trend is MS BI is the fastest growing trend
due to many facts.

MS BI Attracts many Mid-Size and Smaller shops because its one stop
solution for entire BI (SQL, IS, RS and AS)... it costs several times
less than what other vendors charge.

- Feature gap is not any more issue after SQL Server 2008 Released.

Due to the tight budget and economy many companies going towards
reducing cost and that is another reason why MS BI is trending up.

MS invested significantly to prove it can scan out (multiple nodes) and
scale up (running on powerful hardware with multi processor and higer
RAM). MS Introduced Parallel
Datawarehouse and DW Fast Track to attract bigger shops.

- The biggest drawback for MS BI right is it only works on Windows Platform ...

Again dont take my word ... read this article...

MS BI is the fastest growing trend right now :) … so if you are
concerned about job market then Relax … you will find plenty of JOBS for


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