Malek Dance Club
time limit per test

1 second

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

As a tradition, every year before IOI all the members of Natalia Fan Club are invited to Malek Dance Club to have a fun night together. Malek Dance Club has 2n members and coincidentally Natalia Fan Club also has 2nmembers. Each member of MDC is assigned a unique id i from 0 to 2n - 1. The same holds for each member of NFC.

One of the parts of this tradition is one by one dance, where each member of MDC dances with a member of NFC. A dance pair is a pair of numbers (a, b) such that member a from MDC dances with member b from NFC.

The complexity of a pairs' assignment is the number of pairs of dancing pairs (a, b) and (c, d) such that a < c andb > d.

You are given a binary number of length n named x. We know that member i from MDC dances with member  from NFC. Your task is to calculate the complexity of this assignment modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7).

Expression  denotes applying «XOR» to numbers x and y. This operation exists in all modern programming languages, for example, in C++ and Java it denotes as «^», in Pascal — «xor».



(1)求f(0x): i 分别取 0,1,...,2^n-1,j分别取2^n,...,2^(n+1) - 1, 统计(i,i  xor 0x)与(j, j xor 0x)能组成多少对,注意j xor 0x的第一位是1,而i xor 0x的第一位是0,故而 j xor 0x > i  xor 0x,而 j > i,故(i,i  xor 0x)与(j, j xor 0x)不能配对。统计(j, j xor 0x)内部能组成多少对,所有j的第一位相同, 导致j xor 0x的第一位都相同,故而j的第一位是没有比较意义的,去掉没有影响,故(j, j xor 0x)的配对数为f(x)。所以f(0x)=2f(x)

(2)求f(1x):  i 分别取 0,1,...,2^n-1,j分别取2^n,...,2^(n+1) - 1, 统计(i,i  xor 1x)与(j, j xor 1x)能组成多少对,注意j xor 1x的第一位是0,而i xor 1x的第一位是1,故而 i  xor 1x > j xor 1x ,而 i < j,故(i,i  xor 1x)与(j, j xor 1x)之间能产生2^(2n)对。统计(j, j xor 0x)内部能组成多少对,所有j的第一位都相同, 导致j xor 1x的第一位都相同,故而j的第一位是没有比较意义的,去掉没有影响,故(j, j xor 0x)的配对数为f(x)。所以f(1x)=2f(x)+2^(2n)


  • f(0x) = 2f(x)
  • f(1x) = 2f(x) + 2^2n
 #include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std; char x[];
const int m = ;
int n; long long POW(long long a, long long b)
if(!b) return ;
long long c = POW(a, b>>);
c = (c * c) % m;
if(b & )
c = (c * a) % m;
return c;
} int f(int k)
if(k == n - )
if(x[k] == '') return ;
else return ;
if(x[k] == '') return ( * f(k + )) % m;
else return (( * f(k + )) % m + POW(, n - k - )) % m;
} int main()
while(scanf("%s", x) != EOF)
n = strlen(x);
printf("%d\n", f());
return ;


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