create table father(
       f_id number(2) primary key,
       f_name varchar2(10)
create table son(
       s_id number(2) primary key,
       s_name varchar2(10),
       s_height number(3,2),
       s_money number,
       f_id number(2),
       foreign key(f_id) references father(f_id)
insert into father values(1,'何胜达');
insert into father values(2,'何忠达');
insert into father values(3,'何国达');
insert into father values(4,'陌生人');
create sequence s1;
insert into son values(s1.nextval,'何亮',1.70,6000,1);
insert into son values(s1.nextval,'何星',1.68,4000,1);
insert into son values(s1.nextval,'何正安',1.73,7000,2);
insert into son values(s1.nextval,'何正明',1.72,4000,2);
insert into son values(s1.nextval,'何正元',1.68,8500,2);
insert into son values(s1.nextval,'何正陆',1.66,5000,3);
insert into son(s_id,f_id)values(s1.nextval,4);
       select s_id,s_name,f_id from son;
       select s_name,s_money*1.2 from son where s_money>8000;
       select f.*,s.s_id,s.s_name
       from father f
       join son s
       on f.f_id=s.f_id;
       select f.f_id,f.f_name,count(s.s_name)as 有几个儿子
       from father f
       join son s
       on f.f_id=s.f_id
       group by f.f_id,f.f_name
       having count(s.s_name)>0;
       select f.f_id,f.f_name,count(s.s_name)as 有几个儿子
       from father f
       join son s
       on f.f_id=s.f_id
       group by f.f_id,f.f_name
       having count(s.s_name) is not null;
       select f.f_id,f.f_name,count(s.s_name) as 不止一个儿子
       from father f
       join son s
       on f.f_id=s.f_id
       group by f.f_id,f.f_name
       having count(s.s_name)>1;
       select f.f_id,f.f_name,count(s.s_id) as 个数
       from father f
       join son s
       on f.f_id=s.f_id
       group by f.f_id,f.f_name;
     select s_name,s_height from son where f_id in(1,2,3);
     select s_name from son where s_height=(
              select max(s_height) from son
       select son.* from son,
              (select f_id,max(s_height) 最高儿子 from son group by f_id) x
        where son.f_id=x.f_id and son.s_height=x.最高儿子;
      select f.*,s.s_id,s.s_name,s.s_height
      from father f
      join son s
      on f.f_id=s.f_id
      where s.s_height between 1.65 and 1.8;
select * from father;
select * from son;

<!DOCTYPE root [
 <!ELEMENT root (父亲+,儿子*)>
  性别 (男|女) #REQUIRED
 <父亲 fid="P_1" 姓名="何胜达"/>
 <父亲 fid="P_2" 姓名="何中达"/>
 <父亲 fid="P_3" 姓名="何国达"/>
 <父亲 fid="P_4" 姓名="陌生人"/>
 <儿子 sid="1" 姓名="何亮" 性别="男" 年龄="24" 学费="5000" 身高="1.72" fid="P_1"/>
 <儿子 sid="1" 姓名="何星" 性别="男" 年龄="24" 学费="5000" 身高="1.72" fid="P_1"/>
 <儿子 sid="1" 姓名="何正安" 性别="男" 年龄="24" 学费="1000" 身高="1.72" fid="P_2"/>
 <儿子 sid="1" 姓名="何明" 性别="男" 年龄="24" 学费="5000" 身高="1.72" fid="P_2"/>
 <儿子 sid="1" 姓名="何元" 性别="男" 年龄="24" 学费="5000" 身高="1.72" fid="P_2"/>
 <儿子 sid="1" 姓名="何陆" 性别="男" 年龄="24" 学费="5000" 身高="1.72" fid="P_3"/>


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  6. [Javascript] Gradient Fills on the HTML5 Canvas
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  1. loadrunner11遇到的问题汇总及相应的解决方案(持续更新)
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  3. 前端开发框架Bootstrap和KnockoutJS
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