在 ubuntu 14.04 上安装ceph calamari时,遇到calamari web界面中node server可以正常添加,但cluster 集群无法显示的问题。

经过定位,是因为saltstack master/minion 版本不匹配问题。 特记录正确的安装过程。

Note: Calamari does not currently support 2015.5 salt please consider using 2014.7 instead Also it is important for salt-master and minion versions to match.




在ceph admin node执行如下步骤

1. 添加salt apt 源 并安装 salt master/minion


wget -O - https://repo.saltstack.com/apt/ubuntu/14.04/amd64/latest/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY.pub | sudo apt-key add -
sudo echo "deb http://repo.saltstack.com/apt/ubuntu/14.04/amd64/latest trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install salt-master salt-minion

2. 安装依赖包

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi libcairo2 supervisor python-cairo libpq5 postgresql

3. 下载calamari-clients 和 calamari-server Deb安装包 并安装

wget http://download.ceph.com/calamari/1.3.1/ubuntu/trusty/pool/main/c/calamari-clients/calamari-clients_1.3.1.1-1trusty_all.deb
wget http://download.ceph.com/calamari/1.3.1/ubuntu/trusty/pool/main/c/calamari/calamari-server_1.3.1.1-1trusty_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i calamari-server*.deb calamari-clients*.deb
sudo calamari-ctl initialize

4. ceph-deploy 安装 calamari

Create a ceph-deploy configuration file at ~/.cephdeploy.conf

master = {master}

{master} should be the FQDN of the Calamari server, for example acme.mydomain.com or

ceph-deploy calamari connect <node1> [<node2> ...]

5. 访问web界面


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