
《大教堂与集市》作者 Eric Raymond, 第一次知道此人还是在天津大学的操作系统原理课程上。大教堂与集市,分别代表两种软件开发模式,大教堂代表着封闭的决策权集中的方式,集市代表开放的,平等透明,共享互动的开源软件开发方式。


Windows OS = shockingly inferior (compared to Unix) P15


It's no fun to be responsible for fixing bugs in a program you don't understand. P37。


Often, the most striking and innovative solution come from realizing that your concept of the problem was wrong.


Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away.


Any tool should be useful in the expected way, but a truly great tool lends itself to uses you never expected.


English, with about 50% redundancy....Nowadays it's more important for a language to be convenient for humans than to be cheap for the computer


it is absolutely critical that the coordinator be able to recognize good design ideas from others. ( powerful knack of Linus)


A bazaar project coordinator or leader must have good people and communication skills.


To make the bazaar model work, it helps enormously if you have at least a little skill at charming people.


The personality of your project matters


(The mythical Man-Month) Programer time is not fungible; adding developers to a late project makes it later.

The complexity and communication costs of a project rise with the square of the number of developers, while work done only rises linearly.



Altruism is itself a form of ego satisfaction for the altruist.


Linux is mostly done by others (other than Linus himself)


Linus--connect the selfishness of individual hackers as firmly as possible to difficult ends that can only be achieved by sustained cooperation.

Provided the development coordinator has a communications medium at least as good as the internet, and knows how to lead without COERCION, many heads are inevitably better than one.


5 funtions of software project manager:(传统意义软件项目,不是开源项目经理人)

  To define goals and keep everybody pointed in the same direction

  To monitor and make sure crucial details don't get skipped

  To motivate peopel to do boring but necessary drudgework

  To organize the deployment of people for best productivity

  To mashal resources needed to sustain the project

All of which seem strangely irrelevant when it comes to open source project.

One of the best-known folk theorems of software engineering is that 60 to 75% of conventional software projects either are never completed or are rejected by their intended users. P60


Open Source: 开源项目的人多么开心啊

  We have fun doing what we do

  We're proving not only that we can do better software, but that joy is an ASSET

  Enjoyment predicts efficiency. A happy programmer is on e who is neither underutilized nor weighed down with ill-formulated goals and stressful process friction.

  Play is the most economically efficient mode of creative work.

Going open will not necessarily save an existing project that suffers from ill-defined goals or spaghetti code or any of the software engineering's other chronic ills.


Cultures are adaptive machines.

In 1997 these common elements were distilled into the Debian Free Software Guidelines, which became the Open Source Definition.

As student of legal history and political philosophy may recognize, the theory of property they imply is virtually identical to the Anglo-American common-law theory of land tenure! ... This thoery, like hacker customs, evolved organically in a context where central authority was weak or nonexist.

John Locke, Lockean theory of property

no single authority is powerful enough to force central allocation of scarce goods.

Human beings have an innate drive to compete for social status; it's wired in by our evolutionary history. Most ways humans have of organizing are adaptations to scarcity and want. Each way carries with it different ways of gaining social status. In command hierarchies, socail status is primarily determined by access to coercive power.


In gift culture, social status is determied not by what you control but by what you give.


The measure of competitive success is reputation among one's peers.

Peope for whom it is not a significant motivation never become hackers in the first place, just as people who don't love music never become composers.


If one is well known for generosity, intelligence, fair dealing, leadership ability, or other good qualities, it becomes much easier to persuade other people that they will gain by association with you.


The success of a giver's bid for status is delicately dependent on the critical judgement of peers.


Incentive for all parties to cooperate and avoid forking, because it's hard to know in advance who will be on the losing side and see a lot of their work either disappear entirely or languish in obscurity.

Hackers' behavior: motivated by a desire for peer repute or, as I incautiously labeled it at the time, 'ego satisfaction'

There's a very strict meritocracy and there's a strong ethos that quality should be left to speak for itself.

The best brag is code that "just works".


One reason for humble behavior is that in the open source world, you seldom want to give the impression that a project is 'done'.

One gains more prestige from founding a successful project than from cooperating in an existing one.

Hackers often refer to Microsoft's strategy as "protocal pollution"; they are reacting exactly like farmers watching somone poison the river they water their crops with.


You do not become a hacker by calling yourself a hacker- you become a hacker when other hackers call you a hacker.


The members of the Samba group are perceived as heroes because they neutralize a Microsoft effort to lock in whole user population and cordon off a big section of the noonsphere.


By marking his bounds, adn respecting the bunds of others, a wolf diminishes his chances of being in a fight that could weaken or kill him and make him less reproductively successful.

Some very large projects discard the benevolent dictator model entirely. One way to do this is turn the co-developersinto a voting committee (as with Apache). Another is rotating dictatorship, in which control is occasionally passed from one member to another within a circle of senior co-developers; the Perl developers organize themselves this way.


Resolving conflicts is by seniority. Just like many relational database engines use to resolve deadlocks. When two threads are deadlocked over resource, the side with least invested in the current transaction is selected as the deadlock victim and is terminated.


In the absense of survial issues, reputation enhancement becomes the driving goal, which encourages sharing of new ideas and research through journals and other media.

Free-market capitalism is the globally optimal way to cooperate for economic efficiency; perhaps, in a similiar way, the reputation-game gift culture is the globally optimal way to cooperate for generating high-quality creative work.


Let people choose their own projects. "To the extent one's experience of being self-determined is limited, one's creativity will be reduced as well"

Zen paradox: if you want the most efficient production, you must give up trying to make programmers produce. handle their subsistence, give them their heads, and forget about deadlines.


Use Value VS Sale Value 使用价值和贩卖价值

Go open source:

  Apache: cost-sharing,

  Cisco: risk-spreading, two programmers' printer program example

Microsoft intended to monopolize the browser market and then use defacto control of HTML and HTTP to drive Netscape out of the server market. 微软IE的事情已经臭名昭著了人尽皆知了。

In mid-march 1999, Apple open-srouced "Darwin", the core of their Mac OS X server operating system.


Free the future, sell the present: go open a year after release or if vendor folds.

Free the software, sell the brand: Sun

Free the software, sell the content: stock app

The dramatic growth of the Internet owes much to the fact taht nobody owns TCP/IP; nobody has a proprietary lock on the core Internet protocals.


The following discriminators push towards open source:

1. Reliability/stability/scalability are critical

2. Correctness of design and implementation canot readily be verified by means other than independent peer review

3. The software is critical to the user's control of his/her business

4. The software establishes or enables a common computing and communciation infrastructure

5. Key methods are part of common engineering knowledge

Example: DOOM. Those features the players wanted --demanding programer-hours that id would ahve preferred to spend on next game.

The full source for Doom is released in late 1997

Sometimes the smartest way to become a bigger frog is to make the pond grow faster.


Red Hat's case, the standardization on RPM accross most Linus distributions went a significiant way towards neutralizing advantages Microsoft had previously held in ease of system adminstration on its Windows machines.


Business Ecology of Open Source:

  Developers compete with each other, for the attention of distributors and users, on the quality of their software

  Rapid response to market demonds

  Lower overhead and increase efficiency through specialization

Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.

The only thing they can sell is a brand/service/support relationship with people who are freely willing to pay for that.


Community stars are increasingly finding they can get paid for what they want to do.

O'Reilly can afford to pay the leaders of Perl and Apache to do their thing because it expects their efforts will enable it to sell more Perl and Apacherelated books and draw more people to its conferences.


Former KGB chief Oleg Kalugin put: For instance, when we stole IBMs in our blueprints, or some other electronic areas which the West made great strides in and we were behind, it would take years to implement the results of our intelligene efforts. By that time, in five or seven years, the West would go forward, and we would have to steal again and again, and we'd fall behind more and more.


Plagiarism is a trap you want your competitors to fall into.

Linus is an international effort and there is always a jurisdiction in which reverse-engineering will be legal.


There would come a time when charisma became less effective than broad-based institutional repectability.


Halloween Documents: outlined Microsoft's analysis of how to combat it by corrupting the open protocals on which open source depends and choking off customer choice.


Open source model could be usefully applied to other kinds of goods than software. One battle at a time.



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